(no subject)

Oct 24, 2009 03:08

So I just rewatched Daybreak. And apparently I have a lot of feelings about it.

Um, I feel like we should discuss how for my ships, it was awesome. For some, awesomer than others. Half wound up happy! Yay!

Love Love Love

THE TIGHS: So, basically, all they've ever wanted in the past two thousand odd years is to be together. I don't even have much else to say to that. In a strip club, Tigh only has eyes for "his" Ellen. They're playful and flirtatious and adorable, and that is in a STRIP CLUB when they are DRUNK and their biggest argument? Is essentially over the fact that Ellen is bummed by Tigh liking his boyfriend Bill more than Ellen. Which I'm sure is true in a lot of cases, but I'm sure he prefers Ellen on a stripper pole. And then! On new Earth! They're walking off into the sunset holding hands! I love them and I don't care who knows it.

Gaius and Red: Yeah, I don't even know where to start with this. I was pretty sure that Gaius was just an occasionally accidentally nice douchebag that Six was dating because she had to for her mission, and happened to fall in love with, because pretty girls fall for douchebags even when they're robots. But then they toss in this whole thing with his dad, and how Red helped him out of the goodness of her heart to make Gaius happy (it had to be early in their relationship, because he was like, you can call me Gaius, and he apparently thought it wouldn't be super awkward to tell her he forgot her name, just awkward) and Red is like OH MY GOD, A PARENTAL FIGURE! And she's like this goddamned anthropologist, watching Gaius be a jackass cause (a) his dad is frustrating (hilarious, but just aggravating to stuffy old Gaius) and (b) his hot date with the prettiest woman on Caprica has totally been canceled now, and then! She goes out on her own and rearranges Julius and Gaius's lives like ain't no thang. And then convinces the creepy ass neighbor kid to let her in to Gaius's house to inform him. AND THEN LATER GAIUS ESSENTIALLY SAYS HE LOVES HER. That is something I absolutely never saw coming. I mean, I must've seen it the first time I watched it, but then I was like, ignoring everything that wasn't Lauroslin/Papadama, so, yeah. My heart rose up in song. After their European double kiss and have I mentioned I love them? Because I do. And then! In the heat of battle! Since Gaius was all, clearly I cannot abandon ship! Also, I must be with my lady love! (which: when did Gaius decide he was straight-up in love with Caprica? I know he said to HeadRed that she was 'the only one' [FAVORITE PHRASING EVER, FYI] in Islanded in a Stream of Stars but... dude. Was it the fact that she was with someone else for a while that did it? I'm bewildered.) And then Caprica saying she was proud of Gaius! And the way he was looking at her with such love and he gripped the collar of her flak jacket but then moved his fingers so he could touch her and THEN HEAD RED AND HEAD GAIUS. (WHICH! Can I say how hard I ship them together? They're so snarky and amazing. I can just picture them enjoying eternity together, snarking and drinking perfectly mixed beverages and talking about God and how Roman times are awesome and yet doomed and the Renaissance is hilarious and omg.) And the end! Knowing that they're going to live happily after all on a farm. Which Gaius will know how to deal with. Maybe he'll even get his accent back!

Samders and Kara: Not much, except in the cylon memory thing, like, 75% of his memory was him macking on Kara. Awww, Samders. And the way he said he'd see her on the other side? And the way she cried saying goodbye? GOD I LOVE THEM.

Papadama and Lauroslin: She's horribly dying and still awesome and then she dies and he puts his ring on her finger and she's deaaaaad and the Easterly view and she called him "honey" and they adore one another. This wasn't news this viewing, though.

Wow. That was long. Anyway, awesome.

Other Things That Were Enjoyable

- Convenient that where before, Centurions could only be killed with a specific bullet to the head, now they can be taken out with anything short of rocks. I guess Palpatine outfitted the Colony.

- LOLOLOLOLOL KARA GETTING DRUNKLES. Her face after Zak passed out drunk and she's like LEE IT IS TIME FOR SHOTS? Was the face of a girl who sings the Colonial version of 'Fernando' loudly and offkey when she's drunk. I love Kara.

- Lauroslin saying she's grateful to Cottle, Cottle being awesome and kissing her hand. ♥

- The two seconds I didn't hate Boomer. Yay me!

- Helo being adorably dorky to his kid on Earth about hunting. Aaaaw.

- Random extremely gorgeous Six helping out with everything. I love how Sixes vary.

- Cavil's snappy one-liners.

- All the power seen in various scenes: Lauroslin putting her wig on, Papadama declaring that this mission was voluntary and everyone had to choose, people actually choosing, Lauroslin staggering forward and Kara supporting her, Papadama saying goodbye to his original lady love, the Galactica... god.

- Thracer telling Papadama off, oh snap.

- The love note that was Thracer saying goodbye to Samders.

- Lauroslin being wicked hot in ELLEN TIGH'S PINK NEGLIGEE. Also, the way they had to show us she was a bad girl: she has sex with strange men! She kicks them out of bed! She smokes!

- The following exchange:

Ellen: So, we're going to do this resurrection voodoo, but we're going to find out everyone's memories.

Tigh: LOL I can't wait to learn yours babe.

Ellen: Oh lord.


- In CIC, Red and Gaius arrive with Hera. Shit has definitely gotten raw, and everyone's injured and bleeding or dead, and there is this one Simon standing up, spurting blood from his neck. That's just a strange image. Then suddenly Papadama is all WHY WON'T YOU DIE!! and kicks him in the back of the knee so he collapses, and the whole thing is just hilarious.


Things I Could've Done Without

- Really, Lee? You come home and almost sleep with your brother's girl? Seriously? DIAF.

- Lee vs the pigeon. Scratch it, that shit was awesome.

- Lauroslin and the fountain. Really? She leaves her house, barefoot and in her jammies, to go into a fountain at a park? Right now I'm focusing on the sheer WTF-ery of that moment, but later I'm totally going to get nauseous of the idea of her in that water, and walking barefoot. GERMS LAUROSLIN GERMS. It was really distracting and made me almost laugh at the elimination of poor Lauroslin's family.

- Papadama's righteous indignation about taking a polygraph. Awkward.

- Papadama puking. What the hell.

- Lauroslin being set up on a date with her student. I'm not saying she couldn't get a younger man, I just think it's unnecessarily Mary Kay Letourneau to make him her student. And his creepily eager face made it seem like he'd been waiting to nail Miz Roslin a long time and blech.

- Hera. Running. Off. Every. Five. Seconds. I don't get it. I am by no means a child expert, but I have been around a fairly large amount of kids, and I have a hard time believing that in times of danger, the reaction would be "run away from the safety of adults" instead of "OMG CLING" which is what she does sometimes, for example, when Cavil is taking her from Boomer. But shut up, Hera. Also, you'd think that after the Natalie Fiasco Athena would've been like WE DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM MOMMY. WHEN YOU RUN AWAY PEOPLE DIE. or something. Anything to teach that fool child a lesson. Running off. Honestly.

- Chief ensuring that we cannot have nice things by getting angry enough to choke a bitch mid... resurrection indo transfer. You didn't even like Cally that much, wait five seconds!


All in all, I liked the ending. Wish it hadn't ended, but, you know. THE PLAN!!!

gaius, red, thracer, papadama, leemosaur, lauroslin, cylons, bsg

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