(no subject)

Sep 14, 2009 23:19

So, normally I just have crazy dreams. And they're usually fun in a WTF way, and they're really fun to tell people, too, because they're vivid and I remember a lot of details and people are all, "dude, Madi, what is up with your brain?"

But then I had an emotional dream! Which is just unsettling.

So, I dreamt I had a baby. I was at home, and I had had a baby, but the baby was still at the hospital. No one was at all concerned about this but me. (I was also incredibly thin, considering I had just given birth.) So, I go into my mom's bathroom to ask her to take me to pick up the baby, and she says that she can't, because she has to blow-dry her hair. This is absolutely an excuse my mother would use, she is crazy like that.

I go to my sister's room, probably to be all DUDE WHY DOES NO ONE CARE ABOUT MY BABY, but instead of my sister being in there, it was my roommate, Esther. This was not at all unusual to me at the time, even though I went in there to talk to Mel. Esther asked me what I was going to name the baby, and I laughed at said I was going to name her Lindsay Nicole, because I thought it was funny that I was so young and having a baby, and therefore I would give my baby a funny name, based on celebs.

Esther looked at me in horror. "But that's so mean!" she said, and as she said that, I realized that it was totally true. And I started to feel so incredibly guilty, because I loved the baby, and I was going to do something mean! Why would I do that to my baby? So all choked up I said that Esther was right, and that the baby was going to be named Laura Christine, which is my current favorite name.

And then I called Monica to tell her I had the baby. Justin answered the phone, and apparently they were napping, so he was all "gughnhhh" and handed the phone to Nica, who was all asleep, and I told her that I had had the baby, and she was all WHAT? My mom took that to mean that in the dream, I hadn't told Nica at all, which is totally not something I would do, but it is something that happened to my mother when I was born- she called people to say she'd had the baby, and they thought she was lying, because I was born a month early. So I feel that in the dream I'd had the baby early? Maybe that's why she was still at the hospital. Hm.

I woke up at this point, and it was about twenty minutes before my alarm went off, and it was so weird- I was lying in bed, thinking about this baby that I hadn't even seen in the dream, and like... missing it? It was such a weird emotion. And it stuck with me all day.

I just really hope I'm not carrying Baby Jesus 2.0 or something. That shit would be awkward.

I rewatched Razor this weekend, which I mentioned. I acknowledged that I was probably going to end up loving Admiral Helena Cain more than I should, because I can generally be made to love anyone, given enough reason to, and BSG usually gives me plenty of reason to love. What I did not expect to love was Cain/Gina.

(Although, really, it is me. I should've. What does Madi love, kids? LOVE.)

And it is so messed up. The first thing we learn about relations between the two of them is that Cain ordered the repeated gang rape and torture and psychological destruction of poor Gina. And then Gina shoots her in the head. (However! The tears glistening in AHC's eyes, those are not of fear, THEY ARE OF LOVE GONE WRONG.)

And then Razor goes and shows us how cute they were, and how sweet AHC was around Gina and how giggly and adorable they were (in like, two scenes... talent, yo) and how Gina could not kill her lady love AHC (although she really, really should have) and just how frakked up AHC became after being betrayed and it is all genius and gruesome and horrible and the talent displayed by those two actresses is truly mind-blowing. And then Gina was all frakked up, and I truly think it's not only because of the horrendous things that were done to her, but because they were ordered by the woman she loved and OH MY GOD, BSG, WHY DO YOU DO SUCH THINGS TO ME.

I also learned that Red is this show's Nadia. I will basically ship her with everyone.

ETA: Ronald D. Moore and David Eick initially hesitated to reveal the lesbian affair between Gina and Admiral Cain, feeling that portraying the first high-profile gay relationship in the Galactica universe between two villainous characters might be taken as a homophobic statement. They decided to proceed when they ultimately felt that the relationship would be portrayed in a positive light, with Gina unable to kill Cain at an opportune moment, and Cain's heartbreak leading to her descent into madness.


red, ahc, esther, bsg, weird dreams, nica

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