dollsome issued the challenge of a meme, and I gladly complied!
1. Reply to this post, & I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) & talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
Leemo- sadface-
starbuck92"Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down do you wanna know what you've gotta do?"
Yeah, there aren't too many things in this world that I love more than Mr Leland Joseph "Leemosaurus" Adama. He is so delightfully over the top and emotional and full of himself and I just adore him, in the same way I adore Edward Cullen and the joy that his insanity has brought to my life. Considering how rad his father is, it is surprising that Lee's genetic code allows him to be so lame, but such is the magic of Lee. He is seen here pouting because he is Lee he is realizing he can't have two girls at once. Surprise, surprise.
Lauroslin- phone-
aka_katya"I could burn with the splendor of the brightest fire- or else, or else I could choose time."
And here is la belle Lauroslin! One of the reasons she currently looks so radiant is because she is on the phone with her maaaaaan, Admiral Adama. I have this weird affinity for icons with people either talking on the phone or reading (no lie, it's a thing) so this is both Laura looking totally in love and on the phone, so, hooray. Also the colors are really pretty.
BSG- ultimate ending-
airings"It's gonna be a bad day come Sunday."
I, like Dionne's man Murray, have no cause for complaint with the finale of BSG due to? The majesty that is EVERYONE LEAVING LEE ALONE ON THE PRAIRIE. How epic is that? Papadama goes off to be with sa bien-aimée, Laura; Kara Anne goes off to the Spirit in the Sky and Lee is... well, left alone. TO DIE OF SOME GODDAMN OREGON TRAIL DISEASE, AS HE DESERVES. It is so awesome.
AR- waltz-
furious_angel"Now I know the woman that you are: you're wonderful so far."
BSG has the uncanny ability to hit every single one of my fandom triggers in rapid succession. Old people in love, check. Dancing, check. Soulmates, check. And also they are the sweetest couple that ever existed.
EOL- bw-
thepodsquad"Your skin and bones turn into something beautiful, you know, you know I love you so."
I love The Edge of Love so much. Not only is is incredibly aesthetically pleasing, Keira Knightley and Cillian Murphy are adorable together, Cillian in particular. William is so in love with Vera it's a bit embarrassing. Here they are snuggled up like little baby cats and looking incredibly beautiful in the process.
Six- enamorada-
geekbynight"Were thine the form so lithe and slender, were thine the arms so warm, so tender, were thine the kiss divine."
Yeah, I think my main draw to Six/Gaius is how much Red loves him. It's precious. He likes her... well enough, I imagine. Like, he says he loves her and stuff, but I'm not quite sure I believe it. She, on the other hand, loves him like burning, and it's very sweet. I'm rewatching with Six-colored glasses on and it is an experience, let me tell you. Gaius is fascinating, but so are the many incarnations of Red, so together they're like this giant mix of contradictions and awesomeness and god are they cool. (And also I think Red may be the loveliest creature in the universe. So say we all.)