(no subject)

Aug 24, 2009 21:27

Alarm: It's 7:30! Wake up!
Me: The fuck are you going off for? There's no reason for you to be on.
Alarm: Up up up!
Me: No, seriously. I don't have school, why are you set for so early?
Alarm: Uppity up up up!
Me: ... Waaaait a minute. I do have school.
Alarm: 7:31, tard.

Despite the rocky beginning, today was pretty awesome. I am actually psyched about my Italian history class, due to my professor's enthusiasm, the first of my three French classes seems interesting enough, even though I don't really know what the hell we're doing, and Spanish with Belkis, my favorite teacher ever in the history of all my many years of learning. Tomorrow I have an additional two French classes, but even if they suck it'll be negated by the fact that one is going to have Melissa in it. And work was fun too!

Also, I don't know if I've said it before, but: the person who came up with the memory feature of LJ is the person I want to marry. It is my favorite thing ever of all time. I now save everything I could even have a remote interest in looking at on a later date saved, and it makes my life so much easier.

(And: please someone make me stop loving BSG so much. It's out of control.)

uf, bsg

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