Mar 05, 2009 17:27
I spent last night in the throes of agony due to an GI upset, expelling the contents of my stomach pretty regularly. When I told my mother, she was sympathetic and understanding and then, towards the end of our conversation, she ventures "I bet you lost some weight though!" And then this morning she texted me "How do you feel?" and I called her in response because my answers are very rarely short enough to be properly texted, and I told her I felt pretty blech, and Mom says brightly, "how do your pants fit?" And sure enough, they were looser than they are normally. So my agony was rewarded at least.
Speaking of being sick to my stomach, Gainesville is having an election... soonish? I can't vote here, so I don't know- and one of the thing on the ballot is whether or not to allow discrimination. This is what is on a ballot. In 2009. "Should we allow discrimination against gay people?"
Shall the City Charter Be Amended to prohibit the adoption or enforcement of ordinances, regulations, rules, or policies that provide protected status, preferences, or discrimination claims based on classifications, characteristics, or orientations not recognized by the Florida Civil Right Act? The act recognizes race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin, age, handicap,marital and familial status. Additionally, this amendment voids existing ordinances concerning sexual orientation, gender identity, and other ordinances inconsistent with this amendment.
I'd bold the important parts, but that whole paragraph is two sentences long. It's absolutely disgusting and backwards and how in God's name is this even legal? How can we put laws in place, in this day and age, that discriminates against people because of their sexual preference? Not even just sexual preference, how can we allow the adoption of laws that champions the discrimination against anyone!?
being sick