(no subject)

Oct 28, 2008 19:21

It's cold, y'all! It was down in the thirties this morning. And it's supposed to be even colder tomorrow. And who has hardly any cold weather clothes? This moi.

Covertly snatched from the delightful dollsome, as it is an icon meme and I AM ALL ABOUT THE ICONS.

Reply to this post telling me which icon of mine is your favorite, and I will tell you my favorite icon of yours. Then post this to your own journal using your own favorite icon.

(This was pretty much impossible for me to decide. This is just one of my favorites.

This weekend I watched snapplesons's cat Jazz. While he is a very sweet cat and I really enjoyed having him around, it really was a like an episode of The Baby Borrowers. I've been claiming to want a cat for, oh, months now. MONTHS. But I realized after being the sole caretaker of a cat that I am totally too selfish for a cat. More than being too selfish for a cat, I am entirely too in love with sleep to get a cat anytime soon. Me/Sleep = OTP. Plus, it was super nerve-wracking, cause he's so little, what if he gets smushed by something while I'm gone? What if he finds and eats something dangerous? What if I didn't leave the bathroom door open? What if he doesn't have enough food/water? What if he manages to grow opposable thumbs between now and the time I get home and figures out how to not only open the window but remove the screen so that he can escape and begin his legendary odyssey back to his mama? I am far too high strung for this sort of thing just now, in what will heretofore be known as 'the clearly insane portion of my life.' Cause I really can't continue on like this.

I have a presentation tomorrow in Spanish on la dictadura militar Chilena y Argentina which means I get to talk about dictators and systemized killings, tortures and disappearances for five or so minutes WITH ONLY AN OUTLINE TO HELP. NO NOTECARDS. And all I wanna do is watch SVU because... that's all I do now. Although in my defense I just received, viewed and put back out in the mail the first disc of season three of 'How I Met Your Mother.' It's a damn good thing that Robin has a Canadian pop star past or I would have no reason to like her.

ollie, himym, meme, spanish, icons

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