(no subject)

Oct 14, 2008 23:08

Dear People of the World,

I am twenty years old, for god's sake! I know it's more respectful to call me 'ma'am' but PLEASE RESIST. PLEASE CALL ME MISS.

The girl who must look at least ten years older than she is.

dollsome asked me some really rad questions, so, if you're into that sort of thing, hit me up.

01. What's the best book you've read recently?
Since I suck immensely, er, the last book I read most of and enjoyed completely was "Everything is Illuminated." I've still got like... thirty pages left because I suck at reading, but it's awesome to read. I highly recommend it.

02. If Alias was a musical, who'd have the best dance moves? What would the name of Syd & Vaughn's big love duet be? How 'bout SpyDaddy and Uncle Arvin's big hate duet? Hell, give me three other song titles too!
Um, who wouldn't have the best dance moves? I'd say it'd probably be Nadia, a la Dawn. Because Mia Maestro is a spectacular dancer, trufax.

Er, Syd and Vaughn's duet would be called... huh. "Our Love Is So Meant To Be"? But seriously, probably something romantical like "We'll Find Each Other" and it'll highlight their love and soulmatiness, as a love ballad should.

If by "big hate duet" you mean "big BUDDYROO duet," then I think it would be called "Frenemies: A Love Story." And it would definitely involve a tap-off in before the final verse.

Irina's big number would be called "Cunning" and it would be deep and soulful and probably her alone with one spotlight. Maybe with flashbacks. It'd be the powersong that girls used for auditions afterwards.

"The Fact Remains" would be the song for the APO office members like Marshall, Dixon and Weiss, and it would be about, in Marshall's case, he's smarter than everyone else, in Dixon's case, when he gives someone- say, a partner- instructions to stand down, he means it, and in Weiss's case, that even though he is the listener of the group it'd be nice to be listened to once in a while.

"No. Seriously." would be the song sang by the ensemble upon receiving some Rambaldi artifact or something. Maybe a prophecy. Because... that's what Rambaldi left us. No. Seriously.

03. Do you have a favourite Moby song? If not, WHY NOT?
Porcelain. Or South Side.

04. What's the coldest weather you have ever experienced in your life?
Hm... Somewhere in the teens?

05. Who's your favourite character on Bones?
Booth. Hands down. He is the perfect man.

meme, alias

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