The adventures of Me and Evernight!
Today I received
yahtzee63's book Evernight in the mail!
I was excited. The book is absolutely lovely, with a lovely shiny-and-matte-and-embossed cover. I love book covers like that. The pages are made of really nice material, too. This sounds lame, but I really dig that sort of thing, and since I haven't yet started reading it, that's all I've got so far.
Anyway, my sister yoinked it from my hands to read the inside blurb and spazzed. She thought it sounded amazing and right up her alley and is trying to coerce me into giving it to her first. Since she wasn't a reader until a few years ago, we usually try to give into her book-reading whims, but not this time. She said she was going to take it to school to read it during the day. We'll see how that works.
Mel needed to go to Barnes and Noble, so we did, and after she got what she wanted, we looked feverishly for the Evernight display. Turned out the person was in the midst of assembling it, so I just took a picture of Yahtzee's book for sale in a store, because I think it's super cool.
(Ignore the section we were in, we needed to hide cause BN is really tetchy about taking pictures in the store.)
We're going back this weekend to see the actual display.