1. internet. Again. Some more.
2. Classes start tomorrow. My summer is overrr!
3. I <3 Arrested Development.
4. I took a whole bunch of pictures of my room. Enjoy the blandness
This is my laptop, Octavia. You can see how many of the keys are missing letters and there's a spot missing paint where my left wrist wore it off. *hugs laptop*
My fridge, my dehumidier, my alias calendar from two years ago, and my sock monkey. and lots of lots of picture magnets from my cousin Jeannie's wedding.
Divid/book tower. With the hats, cause that was before I hung them up.
My desk.
5. I am going to watch The Coup tomorrow. Absolutely. I will be in a good mood. It's got Vegas and the Observatory AND THE TRAIN, Y'ALL.