(no subject)

Jul 02, 2006 23:30

Well, fourth day post-op and I'm finally getting better. I've pretty much been promised that the third and fourth day were the worst, and it's only uphill from here, so, yay. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I actually ate some real food today, and went out with my family to eat. Sure, I only had a few bites of real food and had to leave because the percocets made me dizzy and sick, but oh well! It was progress! I was actually dressed and had on makeup! Yay!

So now, commentary number 3, for non_horation

So, I wrote this fic from the alias500 prompt of "Miami Vice" titles. And I read it and automatically thought "Amy!" because Tess and I made Amy Tippin a chemist. The fic itself was pretty popular, for me- I think it got the most comments I've ever received on that comm because everyone loves Amy. Lord knows I do. Tess and I have our own little We <3 Amy Club. Then again, I like, love Will more than a lot of things, so, you know.

When Amy Tippin was a little girl, her brother got a chemistry set and they spent all summer blowing things up in the living room, and then half the fall in the driveway (after they ruined Mom’s rug.) I really love that image. It definitely comes from the old 'Bye Bye Birdie,' with Kim's younger brother Randall making explosives and then being forced outside. She loved the beauty of chemistry, how things would just come together through a simple formula that was constant. That's guesswork on my part. I hate chem. With a passion. The waltzes of compounds and elements were strictly regulated and reminded her vaguely of the old novels Sydney Bristow had her read. The dances in those kinds of old books- the kinds where partners had to sign dance cards- were very much like chemistry. ... Whatever.

I actually went to the wiki and kept the page open the entire time I was writing this. It was purely spur-of-the-moment and it turned out pretty cool, I think. And I was only 53 words over my limit, which I think is pretty cool.
The scientific name for heroin is diacetylmorphine hydrochloride. But Heroin sounds soooo much cooler. She knows how to draw the compound out I might have, at some point. and how many carbons there are (21) and hydrogens (23) and nitrogens (1) and oxygens (5.) Thank you, Wikipedia. She's seen parts of Scarface ... um. That's... cocaine. Hello. I have no idea why I wrote that. I was obviously momentarily confused and wrote it and that's stupid and I really, really hate that I wrote that. I guess it could work with the anti-drug thing, but it sounds like I think they were doing heroin and HELLO. COCAINE. DUH. Arg. and she's been to enough parties to know that heroin is not the drug you should choose to get into. Amy herself has barely ever tried drugs- she's smoked pot maybe twice in her life, and both times weren't enjoyable, and after that she stuck to alcohol. Oh, Amy. She attracts jail-bait boyfriends. Tess and I have had long discussions about this. In high school she attended the drug programs they sent to preach in auditoriums, I actually never did one. I did it in fifth grade. But I'm assuming some high schools do this. telling everyone not to do drugs, accompanied by don't let this happen to you stories. *cringe* Awkward sentence, dude. At the end they made the students sign papers promising to never do drugs, because they were wicked, horrible things. ... And, ugly. Yuck.

Amy went to the same high school as her brother. Of the two, she was always considered the crazier one. Mmhmm. Little Mermaid hair. Will was crazy too, but only because he was a loser. I really love Will. A lot. He could recite the entire original trilogy of Star Wars by memory I love that. I have a running thing with Will and SW and XF. I usually try to inject one or both into fics. and kept comic books in their original packaging. Everyone was relieved when he chose journalism and not parapsychology Which is Nica's back-up major, she's told me.- thrilled that he wasn't trying to become a real life Fox Mulder. Out of the Tippin kids, if someone had been asked who would be more likely to get into drugs, Amy would've been chosen. After all, she had Little Mermaid red hair and had more than enough jailbait boyfriends to qualify. Oh, man, I am SO amused that I said here what I've already commented on. Oh man. Go, me.

Chemistry is amazing because it makes life better through medicine and science. I concede that point. Chemistry created I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. That owns. "Better living through chemistry," her professor had exclaimed on the first day of class, excited about the new crop of potential Nobel laureates. Analgesics and antibiotics are all marvels of science, improving life and prolonging it; scientists are coming up with new ways to help the environment daily. This is what Amy is working on- finding a way to break down oil slicks left from tankards in the ocean without harming the surrounding animal life Again, something Tess and I made up.- when she gets a hysterical phone call from her mother. Poor Mama Tippin.

Will has been found in a crack house, drugged up on heroin. But, but! In his defense! It was to save his life! It's not real! Oh, poor Will.

When injected intravenously, euphoria can have an effect within eight seconds. Huh. Once in the brain, heroin is metabolized into morphine, the drug that also reminds Amy of old novels again? I am so lame., because it is a drug commonly used for illness and pain. I always feel that way too, though. Morphine reminds me of books. The refinement of heroin to opium is a simple process, using only common chemicals, requiring only limited knowledge of chemistry. You learn something new everyday, huh?

This is not the chemistry Amy believes in, and it is an alien concept that her older brother- brilliant, witty, talented Will- would do such a thing. But he didn't! :-(!

Better living through chemistry, Amy thinks, and she is ill.

I really like the first part of that sentence, but not the last. It's... weird. It's cool with the "better living through chemistry," because, ha ha, getting high, makes you feel better, and it's ironic, and I get why I used "and she is ill," but I feel I could've done better there. I don't know.

tess, fics, commentary, crack

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