
Dec 03, 2007 13:20

i hate how in dreams we can have pain. i hate that our bodies trick us that way. and yet it is still impossible to scream in a dream. no matter how hard i try. my dream was that my brother were getting these HUGE fishing polls ready to go fishing. so i tried to walk inbetween the two piles: ready and not ready. i got hook on one and could feel it in my back. i kept yelling (well trying to), pointing, staring at them and nothing would work. finally i woke up. my heart was racing. it seemed that everything im afraid might happen, happened in this dream. my dad put one of our computers in my room, not bc i asked but because he wanted more room for his junk. and then my sister got my bed on the weekend bc my brother robby took hers. and she slapped me bc i was in "her bed". so i ran outside. and we were "screaming" (again...you could barely hear me but i was). and walked away. and thats when i got hooked. it seems that my dreams like to hurt me. my body stimuated the feeling that she slapped me and that the hook was in my back. ive had so many where im getting hurt. and i wake up with my heart racing. sometimes its really really bad. like a panic attack. not kidding. i actually had to go to the doctors one time. i cant remember at all what my dream was but i was trying to calm down and i just couldnt. its really wierd. like freddy or something. lol

i also hate when you cant tell if your awake or not. i had a dream and then i woke up from it and i thought i was talking to my mom on my cell and then i woke up and realized i was talking to corey and he was laughing bc i wasnt making any sense. and then i woke up and realized that too was a dream. crazy huh?

and everytime i have a dream that i go swimming in my pool. somehow i am always covered in leches when i get out.

i really dont like to dream. they always seem to be bad. i wonder if we could really die in reality bc of a dream. like if we dream we are being stranggled in a dream and our body gives us the simulation that it is really happening. and so we stop breathing in our sleep and dont wake up right before that crucial moment. we always seem to. but i wonder. i wonder.
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