Jan 11, 2012 23:50
So...this may seem horribly picky, but I needed to rant SOMEWHERE, and here seems as good as any place.
I can't STAND IT anymore. I have so many friends on my Facebook page that I went to high school with, and although I can't lay claim to being the best when it comes to grammar, punctuation, etc...I certainly know how to spell. And while spelling isn't something everyone can do well, I find it incredibly disappointing when certain things slip through the cracks. I don't know, but when I went to school (I say that, but it wasn't THAT long ago), I feel like there were a few rules that were really, really simple. Really.
For example:
~"You are" is 'you're"
~"Your" is to be used in a sentence such as 'Take off your shoes', not 'Your under attack' (I just saw the cutest facebook picture and it was RUINED for me because in it, a note was written as 'Your under attack' and not 'You're".
Hm. There's a lot more, but I feel that to rant further on it will make me sound like a huge bitch. It isn't my intent to come across as if I look down on people, but...really. My friends and I graduated HIGH SCHOOL in 2001. We're in our late 20's, for petes sake. We should KNOW HOW TO USE THESE THINGS PROPERLY!
Again I will say that I am not amazing. I do not know the proper use of a semicolon, and I love my commas more than I should. But still.
Oh. Their, there, and they're. REALLY.