Title: Tsuki to Nue #2
Circle: Hirasakadou
Artist: Nanda Chun
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Ichigo/Renji
Warnings: Worksafe
Pages: 14
Type: doujinshi - raw
My Note: Wow. It's been a while since I've posted a doujinshi. Here is part two to the Hirasakadou doujinshi I posted a while back. I just got one of Nanda Chun's recent ones, Ghost song. It's so lovely I scanned the covers. ^^
CoverBack Cover I don't think I'll ever scan that one though. If I can get another copy I probably would. ^^ Remember, please don't share this outside of my journal. I would appreciate it. ^^
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this. Downloads are at the bottom of the page. ^^
Happy New Year!
Tsuki to Nue #1 - 1/2Tsuki to Nue #1 - 2/2 Downloads: