Title: Endless Rain - 1/2
Circle: 33.3
Artist: Ciel
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Pairing: Yamamoto/Gokudera
Warnings: Worksafe
Pages: 13
Type: doujinshi - raw
My Note: Scanned for
shaorankun for all her awesomeness! :P *le sigh* Ciel's artwork is gorgeous. 8D I've actually stamped these scans so don't mind the random 'sunshine_melodi' everywhere. XD; I did my best to clean them up a bit but I've never had to deal with a colour before. Black is a hell of a lot easier to edit than purple was. D: Haha, so don't mind that either.
RULES still apply to these ones too. Please don't share them outside of where I post them. Links back to me are greatly appreciated. :D