[Those of you looking for Sora's monthly letter home will be mostly disappointed; on a taped-together clipboard in the room she's sharing with Hana and Eri sits a short document, maybe a page or two at most, the girl in question holding a pen and sitting on the bed working on it. She looks... a lot more peaceful than she's been. ((This letter is IC; there's a standard, AC-friendly list at the bottom of this post.))]
Professor Himesaki,
I think... it's time I stopped crying home over every little thing that happens to me. I'm not a strong person. I know that. It's what got me into trouble for so long. It's
made me a broken wreck, it's made me
depend on my friends just to keep me going, and it's made me
make some bad decisions. And it's coming back to haunt me now, because I can't learn from the past, and I can't keep myself from doing whatever my heart says is a good idea.
It took Eri to help me see that, and I'm not ashamed to say that it's when I finally broke down. It's been a long time coming, honestly, and I think I needed it. I feel like a lot of my issues washed away with my tears.
I've done a lot of thinking, a lot of soul-searching, since then. And I made a decision. Back when I was with Dita, and I climbed that mountain... I thought I understood what I wanted for myself then. But as much as I thought I knew, I was just lying to myself. I didn't know what I wanted.
But I know what I want now. I'm going to make something of myself. I'm going to live for my sake, and not to find my life's value in what others think. That's what got me in trouble before. That's what made my life a hell of my own design for a decade, no matter how much I liked it. That... even if it was the life I wanted to live, it wasn't living. And I swore I wouldn't do it again.
I will change myself. I swear it. I'm not going to be that girl that is happy when everyone around her is happy and wonders why she doesn't feel complete. I'm going to seize my own happiness, my own way. I'm going to live looking forward to the road ahead, not looking over my shoulder to make sure I'm not going to hurt someone. I can't live like that anymore. So... I think this is the last letter like this you're going to get from me. I'll send reports like I'm supposed to, but I don't need to burden you with my problems, and I don't need to dredge everything up again just for the sake of housekeeping. I know I'm being a little weird, but... try not to worry about me? I'm okay now. It'll take a little while before I'm totally back to normal, but just trust me, Professor. Everything's going to be fine.
Take care.
Sora Myoudouin
[There's an extra copy of the letter that she's got attached to the clipboard, which is leaning against the wall. The usual addressed envelope is sitting with the letter on open desk space. Sora's staring off into an open wall for whatever reason, a faintly determined expression on her face.]
Activity list:
Shine 11 | Darkened Skies ~ At the Breaking Point, and 20 tags with Mad, Yuki, Momo, and Kamille
Phase Eleven: Keep Calm and Drink Tea (11 with Laura)
Another Landing/New Blood New Battles... (3+ with Mobius One)
Unnamed Kamille post (11 with Kamille)
Kamogawa says hello (6+ with Hoshi; 6 with Hana; 23+ with Eri)
Therapy (6 with Eri)
Shine 12 | The Coming Dawn ~ Resolve (+5), and 11 tags with Momo and Gen
- In the
War in the Pacific combat log, 8 tags with Hana and Muginami
Confessions of a Hero/Alcohol and Mad does not Mix (8 with Mad)
Shine 13 | The Coming Dawn ~ Daybreak (+5), and 4 tags with Kamille
3rd weapon drawn: GN Beam Saber Short (6+ with Setsuna)
Behind you (2+ with Elena)
Three posts and a whole bunch of tags. I'm good. I'm also probably not going to be writing big long letters like I did before, so expect just lists of activity. (I'm sure you're all happy about it.)