Dec 09, 2003 22:17
I'm soo glad its favorite time of year! yeah i know its to cheery for you...but i don't care! I LOVE CHRISTMAS...Enough of that, i'm just sitting here at home...had my exam today, what fun that was...i was actually not nervous about it at all...funny i would think, i guess i really don't care about my marks anymore since i did drop out...OH and a message to Cherie, we should hang out sometime soon before you leave on your trip! i also would like to meet this nathan sometime...oh and there is this improv show on the 18th and i was wondering if you wanted to come are only 4 bucks...pretty cheap! If you don't, thats ok too, they are trying to fill the the more the merrier it will be...Umm...what else...but we should definetly get together sometime! Other then that i went to the doctors yesterday and did some more tests...and thats about it...Kenny has a exam tomorrow! fun fun fun..i know i sound crazy..but what can i do...i'm actually really tired right now, so i should head off...i'm soo glad one exam is over and 1 more to go! wish me luck!