I need to find that mages journal. Track him down. And get revenge for an experience like that-red heels. That ugly DRESS. Having to walk in that thing. A contest-actually winning it. Some worlds are better left undiscovered. I’d rather forget all about it. Not keeping a record of it is the start of that...Ugh.
Hope you're having a good time "relaxing" wherever.
How long did I sleep anyway? A while. It felt good from that whole heartless incident on Seresu.. And before that.
..Should have stayed in bed.
Met one newcomer in Traverse in an unfortunate meeting with a door. He kept speaking in some broken... philosophical logic. All of it, as true as it might have been at some points, was.. Unsettling to hear. What he said at the end should have put my mind at east-those blunt lies. So the comments when he left....they don’t bother me because there’s no chance that they’re true. How’s that for logic?
Compared to that the next person I met was kinda normal. I wish Isaac and his black heart well ---But the name’s Cloud. Not horsey, not rook, not nimbus, not white horse, not cotton wool, not anything related to my hair. Just Cloud.
”Just to relax.”
..Things change over time. Maybe I’m just to ignorant to notice them at first. Or too stubborn to allow myself to do just that. Things change, people lose their interests, change how they look, how they act--I should learn to accept that idea. Hollow Bastion will never get back to normal, and everything changes. How's that for taking reality enough?
"Not very protective of it." Now I can’t get his words out of my head.
Apologize for my existance. Lecturing about courtesy. Accusing me of killing those I don’t even know about. Looking at my eyes--Saying they were like his. He.. who?
It does “hurt less that way”, so what? I never said there wasn’t truth to those words.. Maybe more than I give them credit for. I didn’t release heartless in belligerence, I had nothing to do with them. I knew nothing about them until everyone else did. Every story can’t be interconnected like that, having that big of impact on someone else. Just not by my hand, my actions, my thoughts, it doesn’t work like that. Things can’t be so astute, precise, while so..
What am I talking about?
I guess.. Safe to say that days later, I should probably go and “grab” my own "breakfast", huh?