Nov 05, 2007 17:25
so here i am 7 months pregnant..reading this story on cafemom from this woman who just had a baby sat. and the baby was still born. so im sitting here crying my eyes out because i could not deal with that. i was hard when my cat had kittens and 3 of them died. i could no have that happen with my child. even tho ive got my kayleigh..if i lost my would not be a good thing. i mean this lady had baby showers..and family support..and lost her baby. and then still labored through it any ways. i feel so terrible for this woman i dont even know. and then looking at the pictures. its torture. and i just pray to god that i, or anyone i know..never ever has to go through that. i hope if you have kids they are healthy. im so thankful kayleigh is fine. and as far as i know..this one is fine. gah. okie. im done. im going to stop crying. not look at the pics of this poor baby. and take the dog to the bark park. after i wipe my face off. stuff like this makes even even madder at the moms who do stupid things to their kids. like the child who was found in a ziploc bag in a tubberwear type container..all chopped up of course. and then woman in spring lake who killed her child and stuffed her in the attic until her husband was about to come back from overseas. how could these mothers do those kinda things?!?!?! arg. please. if you arent going to be a good mom..or if you cant handle it..ask for help.