got it From miss ashley ALlArd. =)

Jun 22, 2005 13:44

Tall or Short:  Medium or taller then me.cant be shorter.
Fat or Thin: just not fat
Muscular or No Muscles:  Muscles
Hair Color:  blonde / brown /black.. idc just as least it looks good J
Hair Style:  .. depends
Smart, Average or Stupid: average
Sexy or Cute: both =)
Gentle or Rough:  ha .. idk lmao
Touchy Feely or Keeps Distance:  touchy feely
Calm or Wild: not calm.. but not wild if that makes sence
Good Boy or Bad Boy: imbetween I guess  not soo much of one side
Describe the perfect guy: nice, sporty, funny, fun to be with, understandin, doesn’t care what others think
Describe your perfect date: anywhere fun  =)

Name everyone you have ever dated: Austin, Josh, Grant, Matt, Chad, a few more
Who were you with the longest:  Grant ...
How long: we knew eachother for a few years n went out for maybe 2 ..or 1 idk
Who were you with the shortest: Josh haha I love that kid though
How short: like short short… =) lmao
Reason you broke up with all of these guys: i d0nt remember.
Who was the hottest: gotta give that to chad
Who was the stupidest:  josh. In a funny  way  
Who was the meanest: matt
How far did you get with each guy:  idk?
Who was the last boyfriend you had: Matt
Who was your first crush: i dont remember. Long ago
Who was your biggest crush: umm….prolly… ..not sayin
Who did you like but they didnt like you: Idk.. recently.. or what?? idk

Held Hands:  yesss =) funny story lmao
Hugged: yeass,, J
Kissed: yes =)
Frenched: ...noo

Had Sex: noppee
Been Abused: nopee not that I know of.
Done any of the above with yourself: hah no..

Have you ever been cheated on: yes…
Details: Grant- he cheated on me for some girl. At his dads house. A few times.
Have you ever cheated on someone: noo n don’t plan to.
Details: I haven’t!
Have you ever thought of being a lesbian: ewwww NO

Are you one? NOOOO!
Are you bi? difenitly not =)
Are you lonely? yes..  : /
Do you ever dwell over guys that you don't like anymore? yes
Do you have an STD? sexual transmitted disease .. i dont think so? lmaoo
Do you have a repuation? I have noo idea.?
Did you ever have a song with anyone? yes .. a few lol
Who and what was the song? Not sayin haha =) ohh wow
Have you ever stolen anyone's boyfriend? Nnoooo.. ?
Have you ever had a boyfriend stolen from you? Uhh…nooooopee
Have you ever had a friend who liked the same guy as you? yess and they always got them = /
Was either of you angry about the decision? Uh idk..?
Is your love life so utterly boring and unfulfilled that you think you are going insane? Nooope..?
Do you have bad luck with guys: I guess some what
Do you get jealous easily: depends
Who are you in the "friend zone" with that you want to get out of it: i don’t know what that means
Do you want to get out of the "friend zone" to date them or just because you hate them: .. i dont understand thiss..
Are you goody goody or naughty naughty: not goody goody but not naughty. So whatever in the middle
Love or lust and why: LoVe.. …………….
Have you ever had your heart broken to the point of break down? Not to a big break down but yeah some small ones.. =/
Are you desperate: noo not at all
Do you want to get married: yess
Do you want to have kids: yes 3 =)
Where do you want to get married: at a church? I think depends on what we decide on lmao
Will you write your own vows: vow’s..uhh suree .?> idk
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