holy balls i've been up for along time!

Jan 21, 2009 20:28

so bobby and i went on a road trip really far away recently.
It was fun and interesting. a huge learning experience.
sometime soon when i haven't been awake for over 24 hours i'll post all about it.

and to top it off i was welcomed home by my sister!
we had quite an experience of our own
but that's just for us.
she did turn me on to Planet Earth. that show is the shit.

i ended up having Sunday off at the last minute.
i stopped by Tricia's then headed out to Powhatan to hangout with my brother at my moms.
we played clue with my niece then us three adults played Super Scrabble.
that game is not for the casual Scrabble players. it's for the die-hards for sure.
then we had dinner and watched the first half of the Steelers game.
sometime around half-time jon texted me to come over and finish watching the game.
i did. bobby was being a big brat. i ended up not hanging out too long after the steelers won.
slept at my moms.

monday i went to tiffanys during the day.
we made baked spaghetti with veggies in it.
sat around talking. hanging out with the kids.
tyler and i played a mini-mancala tournament.

went back to moms for a shower.
mom, mike, jamie, and i went to sports page for dinner and a few beers.
pretty good time. though i swear mike said maybe 3 sentences the whole hour and a half we were there.
i admire the ability to keep quiet.
i'm constantly working on keeping my own mouth shut.
stayed at moms AGAIN.
learned how to play Guitar Hero. my mom can't get enough of it - pretty funny.

tuesday i slept in.
mom and i went to Clothes Closet.
I filed my taxes.
we had lunch.
i took a five hour nap.
woke up in time to pack my lunch, shower, and chill for a bit before work.

yesterday has poured right into today.
i haven't been to sleep since i got off work this morning.
i was going to get in the bed first thing. but instead i unpacked some boxes, cleaned my room, and did some dishes, some light cleaning and organizing in the living room.
then aaron got home and we went to lunch at a place i found real randomly online.
cafe gutenberg. i wasn't sure about it. the vibe and menu felt a little upscale.
felt like i had to whisper at first type thing.
i tend to dine/drink at cozy hole in the wall type places. that's what this ended up being. and the food was delicious. i had a tofu-mint-pickled-veggie sandwich thing. that had a fancy name. was going to have a chai latte as well. but after i considered it i realized i haven't had any caffeine in weeks and decided i'm gonna stay away from it for awhile.
we stopped at the grocery store on the way home so aaron could get some stuff.
i played a bunch of facebook scrabble.
then we went on a bike ride around the still new to me neighborhood.
it was damn cold. but i so needed it. been too long since i've been on my bike.
i'm hoping living with an avid cyclist will keep me pedaling.
came home and went through a box that turned out to be all memories.
old calendars, pictures, letters, birthday cards. all that good stuff.
need to hook my scanner up so i can get back to posting pictures.
made a real simple dinner. organic buffalo-flavored chicken sausage, spicy kashmiri curry spiced shrooms and zucchini, and tater tots. rice probably woulda fit better. but aaron was eating his like a hotdog . plus, I love tots!
watched jeopardy.
played some more words on scrabble.
now i'm being awake and posting this.

oh, and i totally want to be in a choir that sings all kinds of different songs!
and i want to join a scrabble league.
and start participating in Food Not Bombs.
and volunteer at the Flying Brick Library.
and ride my bike everyday again.
and be as unguarded as possible all way across the board.
and always remember that my feelings matter!
and stay strong in my resolve to live straight from the heart!

holy crap i'm tired!

i'm going to crawl in my bed to read Mercy Papers until I fall asleep.

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