Sep 17, 2008 16:39
Hi all. So, I'm finally in the working world now. I just got my first few assignments... they're not bad. Mostly logistical, but hopefully once I'm done with these, I'll get some more entertaining projects. Its amazing how big the company is... there are 200 people on this project alone and 180,000 employees in total. Insane, isn't it? I hope my security clearance paperwork clears soon...
What else? Just beginning to make friends at work and its not bad. Lots of tedious work so far, but that's expected at the beginning. Going to NYC in 2 weeks to visit the boy. But I have to stay in a dorm room again.... that was weird enough the first time. Its such a weird feeling.. I'm beginning to get some real responsibility at work and just starting to feel like a grown up. But then, I go to NYC and stay in a dorm and suddenly, I'm a kid again. Crazy, but its ok. Just trying to find myself somewhere in - between.
Hmmm.... other than that, life is quiet. My parents leave for Morocco on Saturday... I want vacation! I miss perpetually being on vacation... damn. That was nice. But I was bored then, at least that's not a problem anymore. My brother just took his MCAT too... good luck! Man, I am SO done with standardized tests! No more, please! If I ever do go back to school, it'll be for a PhD, which also does not require an entrance exam.
Life is good. Can't really complain. I know this was a boring entry, but my life can't be action packed all the time. Maybe next time, though...