Her head keeps spinning round. I’m in over my head. There’s an art to falling down..

Aug 22, 2004 19:16

wow. its been a LOOOOOOOOOONG time since i updated this lol.

well not much has happened...left for new jersey on thursday..not too much fun. got to jersey and saw all my cousins who i havnt seen in like FOREVER. so yea that was kool...ran around the hotel...broke into the hotel pool and kept hopping the fence everytime my stupid cousin alan thought a guard was coming lol. so yea...that was a workout. the funeral was sad...it was weird. and you like couldnt help but to cry at these things...and i dont take death particurly well. so yea. then went to the burial...saw my grandma and my uncle's grave. sad sad stuff. so yea..then flew back today...talked to joseph and everybody i havnt talked to cuz my damn cell didnt get service up there...so that sucked. and then i wanted to come home...but now im home...and its back to the same old shit i left here. all these damn friend problems that are gonna drive me to kill myself one day...and idk...got one friend who wont speak to me for whatever the hell i did...another friend who isnt seeming to want to talk to me...wont tell me whats going on...and just like idk...it may just be me...im kinda grumpy just from a long day. and im getting fat cuz im eating so much and i havnt gotten into the full practice schedule for swimming yet...but im hoping i will soon...cuz i have china 2008 olympics in my mind...even though im prolly not good enough but hey...its worth a try i guess.

so yea now im sitting here. grumpy just bout stuff...friends, skool, swimming. but i have the best boyfriend in the world so that makes me happy:)

well im gonna go....im still working on changing this stupid thing cuz im gettin sick of the backround and crap...erica or kris10 i need help!!! lol...im not smart enough to do this
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