Jul 20, 2002 15:41
-- Simple Questions ..
What time is it: 3:42
What is your name/handle: Ashlea
What is your birthday: 09*12*87
How many sibs do you have: 3
What are your sibs names: Khouri,Jared,Elizabeth.
Do you have a job: Nope
If yes, where: N/A.
If no to #6, Where do you wanna work: I wanna work at a movie theatre
Do you have a car: Not yet
What kinda car do you have/want: i want a bright yellow ford escape
-- Favorite Questions ..
Movie: Crossroads,A Walk To Remember
Song: Lonely-Britney Spears
Group: uhm....
Food: No clue
Snack: Why does this matter?
Drink: Pepsi Twist and Cherry Pepsi
Number: 19
Cartoon: Spongebob Squarepants
Disney Character: Goofy
Color: Pink and Baby Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Time of the day: Night.
Animal: Tiger
Day: Friday
-- Love Life ..
Do you plan on having children: Yup.
Do you want to get married: Yup
How old do you want to be when you have your first child: I want to be under 25
How old do you want to be when your married: No idea,but i know its gonna be after college
Would you have kids before marriage: Maybe
Do you have a b/f or g/f (who):Eric<3
Do you have a crush: Eric<3 I <3 him!
-- Either Or ..
Music/TV: Music.
Guys/Girls: Guys
Green/Blue: Blue.
Pink/Purple: Pink.
Sleep/Stay Up: Sleep
Summer/Winter: Summer
Spring/Fall: Spring.
Night/Day: Day
Cold/Warm: Warm
New/Old: New
Dark/Light: Light.
Sparkle/Shine: Sparkle.
Peach/Plum: peach
Laundry/Dishes: Dishes.
Rock/Rap: rap
Pop/R&B: Pop
-- What Do You Think Of ..
Eminem: Is an amazing artist,just needs to tone it down.
Rap: I like rap so.. im not sure. lol
Teenagers: We think we're the smartest people on earth,and we're still growing up,and we have ALOT to learn,and alot to experince
Smoking: I went through that stage..i regreat it..its stupid..like ozzy says..that shit will kill you faster than weed!
Death: Natural
Life: Scary
Drinking: Stupid
Bomb Threats: Scary
Murder: Homicide is..I have no words.
Suicide: too easy. figure shit out,dont just end it because bad shit happens to you..if everybody commited suicide because we had bad shit in our lives..shit,everybody would be dead..even the fucking Cleavers
-- Friends ..
Who is the best person to hang with: Kelli and Jillian
Who is the sweetest person: Eric<3
Who is the cutest person: Eric<3
Who is the nicest: Mari
Who is the funniest: Andera
Who is the one you've known the longest: Kelli and Jillian.
Who is the best to talk online with: Andrea
Who is the most blonde: Kelli
Who is the weirdest: Amber
Who is the craziest: Ashley!
Loudest: Heather!
Most Trustful: Kelli and Jillian
Most Cheerful: Jillian
-- Pointless Questions ..
What kinda mood are you in right now: Bitchy
Did you have a good day today: Not really
What are you doing tomorrow: Going to the movies again.
What did you do today: Saw Scooby Doo again. I <3 Matthew Lillard
What time is it now: 3:55 pm