ive been so busy with art and parties and all my friends have left for college. and right now i just spent my time creating a box filled with memories of certain people i feel i should make boxes for.
letters letters and letters!
they are secret!!
i am renewed!! finalllllllllllllllly
today i sold an abundance of fom merchandise and bought michael and april pudding from whole foods as a treat, and i really am glad!
small delights. muuuch mingling. pure dreams
new love-interests
much fun
hahah p.s. i made a thing wayyy cooler than myspaCWe its, for artists only, called arefuge.com. i made one and its so nice for artists of the 2-dimensional natures if you dig that kinda thing.nice people
death came to be a slow realization a few days ago.
chiropracter visits on a regular basis now!! im alive! but i can still rendez vous i have 4 parties this weekend holy moly
i guess you can call if you wanna know(which would be really nice for me!) but i just want to tell the dear friends of mine, that i love love love