nobody love me......i am so down right now and upset

Sep 04, 2005 22:30

Your gender: female
Straight/Gay/Bi: straight
If not, do you want to be?: idk
Birthdate:: october 7
Your age:: 12
Age you act:: idk
Age you wish you were:: 15
Your height:: umm...4'11"
Eye color:: hazel
Happy with it?: sure
Hair color:: strawberry blonde
Happy with it?: haha sometimes
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: lefty
Your living arrangement: im guessing at my house??
Your family:: my mom my dad and my sister and step mom
Have any pets?: dogs cats
What's your job?: umm babysitting lol
Piercings?: my ears
Tattoos?: none
Obsessions?: not sure
Addictions?: not sure
Do you speak another language?: nope
Have a favorite quote?: hmm...idk
Do you have a webpage?: ?????


Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: i dont think i do lol
Who is your best friend?: umm i have alot
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: idk erica or jenna lol idk
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: i don't know
Your favourite inside joke?: can i have ur strawberry
Thing you're picked on most about?: my blonde moments and how short i am lol
Who's your longest known friend?: erica known eachother since i was 3 and she was like 9 (months)
Last person you talked to online?: reshat
Who do you talk to most online?: idk
Who are you on the phone with most?: erica
Who do you trust most?: hmm jenna
Who listens to your problems?: alot of people lol
Who do you fight most with?: umm i don't know
Who's the nicest?: they are all nice
Who's the most outgoing?: umm idk
Who's the best singer?: holly
Who's on your shit-list?: i have alot of people
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: nooooo ewww
Who's your second family?: i think holly????
Do you always feel understood?: no
Do you trust others easily?: uhhh i dont know
Who's house were you last at?: idk
Do your friends know you?: they bette
Friend that lives farthest away:: natalie z and ashley m

Love and All That

What do you find romantic?: lots of things
First kiss?: hmm not sure.
If someone you had no interest in had interest dating you how would you feel?: i really dont know
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going out: yes
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: no not at all that wud be weird
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: nope
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: thats a good question do u??
What is best about the opposite sex?: uhh that u can date them I dunno lol
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: they don’t think the same as we do
What's the last present someone gave you?: hmm i don't know.
Are you in love?: nope
Do you consider your significant other hot?: uh idk

Who Was the Last Person...

That haunted you?: umm nobody?
You wanted to kill?: haha cant say
That you laughed at?: my cousins face
That laughed at you?: my cousin
That turned you on?: hmm i dont know
You went shopping with?: mallory haha sunglasses
That broke your heart?: wont say
To disappoint you?: uhhh i can tthink of who
To ask you out?: uhhh lol
To make you cry?: uhh no one lol
To brighten up your day?: erica
That you thought about?: uhhh in what case??
You saw a movie with?: patrick natalie z jenna and nate
You talked to on the phone?: how the hell am i supposed to know lol
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: reshat
You saw?: my mom lol
You lost?: cant say
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