Ahh -- I stayed home from school aqain today. 3rd day in a row. It sucks...I hate beinq sick. Since I didn't qo to school today it means I can't qo snowboardinq with alexa&ciara. So I'm mad about that..But oh well, we'll just have to qo aqain some other time ! Yesterday I went to verizon with my mom&qrandma. Because my mom qot a new phone&my qrandpa qot a phone too. I'm qettinq a picture phone in September! Yes, I can't wait. When I qot home I just talked on the phone&watched ThE Oc* -- It was soo qood !! Riqht now I am watchinq A CinderellA StorY* I love this movies..It's so cute! Later when my mom qets home maybe i'll qo exchanqe my hollister shirt? Maybe..I hope so. Tommarow i'm qoinq to volleyball. My principal said I could qo if I feel better and I still dont feel too hott..But feel a lot better! So that's a plus. I have tennis tommarow too. Yay. Then I'm hanqinq out with alexa&maybe qo to the movies or somethinq? Hopefully! I need a boyfriend..It sucks. But I'll find one sooner or later. O:) So like yeah we're talkinq to leiqhann now but like..we all know it's not qoinq back to normal. Which is totally fine with us !!! :) I'm qoinq to qo now. ;; please comment, esp. on the pictures !!! ♥
i love this picture ^
my shirt
bruce qave alexa this shirt !
i <3 apple juice if you haven't noticed -- but i dont like this picture of me.
isn't my wall pretty !?
err i love this movie soo much ! (The Notebook) ^Allie & Noah
me aqain
Myne & Ciara's picture comminq soon !!♥