Feb 18, 2005 13:14
Omq- Wow Idk where to start!! Yesterday Me&Cii&Lex all hunq out! omq it was seriously SOO much fun! Us qirls always have fun toqether wether were doinq something or nothinq at all! We went to the flushinq&kearsley bball qame- It was a lot of fun! I saw jeff&matt&mason&johnny&lot's of other people i'm qlad i saw!! :)* We watched the grudge last niqht and omq it was so scary but i loved it! I was crackin up at one part&Cii, Lex&Zach(cii's little brother) were scared as hell-- Then we watched Garfield&they all fell asleep except me! Haha -- Then like I quess tim likes me aqain or whatever but idk he's hott&everythinq it just wouldn't work out! &plus I think I found someone new..But i'll keep it on the low with my qirls till I fiqure it out forshur! Hee*Hee- Toniqht me&lex are qoin to the qenerals qame! Yay! Then tommarow Me&Cii&Lex are all qettin toqehter aqain & im qettinq my belly button pierced! HECK YES! Well I'm qoin to qo now- Pictures comminq soon! COMMENT !!!
ps; i think ciara's comminq to florida with me&alexa's qoin with her family so omq this sprinq break is qoin to rock your volleyball socks off* :D*
pss; i just saw pictures of ns&it killed. uqhh. wtf he's such an ass. oh&ns, i hope you read this. i hate you for usinq me like that. i deffinatly learned my lesson thanks to you.