
Nov 28, 2010 22:06

Dreams and such are eidging closer to reality but still a ways and some hard work off. I've created several websites in the past couple of days one of which is a personal site ( and the other a site devoted to selling Miracle Fruits. (URL to come after the site is finished.) Procrastination has been the order of the day with both of these projects as well as the return to them being finished "one of these days."

In other news, Thanksgiving was good. Got to be home in Santa Barbara seeing the family, going on hikes, and relaxing. Now, after a detour to the Sea Ranch for a night, I'm back in Chico with A. Work tomorrow, then finding out why there is no electrical power in the van despite none of the all the fuses being blown. (Maybe I'll replace them all just to be sure.) Repeat work and fixing van until van is fixed.

There is also planning for me to do in terms of what I want my life to contain that will give me satisfaction and make me feel like life is worth living. It's close right now but not quite there.
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