(no subject)

May 10, 2006 21:45

So I found this on a facebook group for IB survivors....I'm definitely not as affected as many of you who will need IB rehab when you realize that you look back on IB Bio II HL without experiencing severe withdrawls.......

...but here were some of the more interesting aspects of this syndrome that I too have experienced over the past two years...

Symptoms of "SIBS" (Severe IB Syndrome)

1. You know how to spell "Baccalaureate".

6. "Due" date means "Do" date.

7. You'd go into severe spasms if you have lost your day-planner.

26. Your every day sayings include "Wow, I just pulled a Holden Caulfield".

29. You can type 60 words per minute on a TI-83.

42. "IB, therefore I B.S."

And my top 5 favorite...

35. You finish your English essay shortly before midnight. Your smile of satisfaction fades when you remember you need to start on your History paper.

38. You accidently type "LOOL" instead of "LOL" in an IM conversation and explain it as "Laugh out ostentatiously loud".

24. You think "getting high" is a reference to grades.

46. You skip school to do homework.

11. You've laminated your bio flash cards so you can use them in the shower
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