As the lovely bella_farfalla so adequately pointed out, peer-pressure is not to be resisted. Then again, I feel the need to point out that I spent almost 2 days updating my masterlists (since 100 links got eaten last time, and about as much I had to hunt down anyway because I was a lazy sod during the year, oh well) and she just kind of watched and fondly shook her head and then she ended up doing this writer meme too and it took her a fraction of the time I needed. It was rather frustrating. *huffs* :P
Anyway... so 2009 was a very prosperous year for me and Primeval is to be blamed. Altogether I wrote 128.353 word in 369 fics. Yeah. Out of which 81.835 words in 256 fics were in Primeval. Which is rather impressive considering I fough fiercely against The Pull. I think I deserve to be smug. *iz smug*
Primeval 81.835 in 256 fics
Potc 30280 in 72 fics (I think I lost theright to call that my main fandom)
House MD 9660 in 23 fics
Charmed 1605 in 7 fics (weird... *iz confused*)
The Boat that Rocked 1488 in 3 fics
Casualty 1.361 in 1 fic
Original 1110 in 2 fics (sort of)
Hustle 719 in 3 fics
Harry Potter 295 in 2 fics
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Much more. The amount of fic I wrote in Potc was already more than I thought I'd write and basically all other fandoms came as surprises. lol I'm still in shock I wrote so much in Primeval.
What's your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
I don't think I could choose. So many pairings, so many fics I love for completely different reasons.
The Ties That Bind is definitely one of them, though. It's not my best fic by far, not even my best or most loved Becker/Helen fic, that's for sure, but that's where the pairing was born and it means a lot to me. Similar reason why I like
Sam I am , it's where my first Primeval OC, Sam first appeared. And I have many such moments in PotC. They just stick with you I suppose.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote femmeslash. Explicit femmeslash. And I blame bella_farfalla for obvious reasons. :) But the pairing Sarah/Jenny made me actually like both girls even though I really wasn't fond of them before so that's nice.
I wrote my first drabble this year. Actually it was my first Primeval fic and not much later I won the primeval100 contest for most drabbles written in a week. That meant a lot to me. :)
Actually, there are two fics which are more experimental in style and they are definitely in my top 10 if it comes to fics I'm proud of. One is
She should for the prompt Fire, I tried to make the drabble itself resemble flames a bit by alternating the length of the lines, I really loved that a lot. The other I wrote very recently,
Goodbye , about Frank, Ryan's then boyfriend being taken hostage and tortured. I tried to show the confusion in his thoughts through the days, maybe weeks of captivity, if I was forced with a gun to choose one favourite it would probably be this. Oh and
The Lord's Prayer in Potc, that one I'm insanely proud of.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I really really want to finally write the proper backbone chapters to my No Love, No Glory story arc!
I want to write more about my Potc OCs' canon, especially Patrick.
Finish that Primeval pirate AU I never started posting and definitely finish my vampire AU, Fortress of Desire.
Continue writing weird pairings. *grins* You know you love it.
My Best Story of the Year
I can't really say. Come one, people, 369 fics, many were drabbles or short ficlets. lol I'm rather proud of both exchange fics I did in Potc:
Bound In Her Bones and
Tell me a story. In Primeval, well, I know I had my ups and downs, one of the best, though, is probably Time and the hour runs through the longest day (
Part One;
Part Two,
Part Three;
Part Four;
Part Five), which shows how each character involved deals with Stephen's death the night after it happened and I'm insanely proud of my last fic of the year,
To wish me Happy New Year is a bit presumptuous and intrusive but thanks anyway which is one run on sentence of 555 words.
Story Most Under Appreciated by the Universe in My Opinion
I was going to say my Casualty fic (
You can't leave ) but that's not true, actually. Considering that I haven't even found a fandom but got two comments is impressive. There isn't an overflow of comments in Potc either but there hasn't been anything to look forward to in ages so it's a miracle we even exist anymore. It's much worse with House MD, to be honest, it's the biggest fandom I could imagine, it's insane but try writing a pairing they don't like, the best you can hope for is a grand total of zero comments if you're lucky. That's pretty obviously not a good place for me at all. It's sad, because I'm quite fond of
most of my House fics, even if it's, say Chase/Cuddy,
Well Laid Plans (which not even I like much, since I don't like Cuddy but it pushes my mature woman/young hot bloke buttons hard)
Most Fun Story
At Wit's End , my epic Primeval/Potc/Harry Potter/House crossover of doom. Insane. I had fun writing it. :) Though, I have to say most of the time angsty, sad stories, like Goodbye, are more fun for me (I adored writing that).
Most Sexy Story
It might have been
When the Night keeps all your Heart, at least that's where I had to sweat most for it to work out, probably bc it's femmeslash. And I think some of that
Vampire sex in Fortress of Desire was not too bad. My personal favourite, however must be
Late-Night Surprises, a PotC fic where Elizabeth Swann is rimming Beckett, it's just too naughty for its own good. :)
Hardest Story to Write
Primeval fic exchanges, both of them (
Unexpected ,
Long Way to Happy). I did enjoy them but getting something like "no angst", "no nice Helen" in my very first exchange was a bit traumatic. lol I did end up participating in 3 more (1 Primeval, 2 Potc) afterwards so I'm clearly masochistic . :P
Biggest Surprise
Femmeslash, Vampire fic, Wilder getting laid frighteningly often... actually, maybe how many comments I got on my The Boat that Rocked fics considering that the community has literally 20 people or so.
All my fics reside