Title: Family Chronicles ~ Blade
Characters: Sam, Blade, Ryan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 102
Summary: Sam's thoughts on Blade. This is part of a series about Sam's past with each of the SF boys in the No Love, No Glory story arc.
Read previous parts here. Blade belongs to fredbassett, Sam is mine.
Blade scares her.
She’s not afraid of anything or anyone; after all she can listen to bullets flying without a flinch and force down what Ryan calls food. But she’s scared of Blade. Not his armada of knives, not the eerie precision of his fast movements, not his blood-tainted soul, only those eyes. Those sharp emeralds cutting into the depth of her being, slicing her open, those eyes scare her to death. It’s like he knows her. Like he gets her in a way not even Ryan does. He’s not analyzing, he’s not trying to change her, not judging.
He’s just looking.