Title: Making Friends
Characters: Connor, Rex, Abby,
Chris Parker (OC)
Rating: Gen
Wordcount: 100
Summary: Connor and Rex don't like Abby's new friend. Takes place during S1. Chris Parker is a member of Lyle's team.
Making Friends…
The first time Chris Parker comes to see Abby he’s met with cold distrust from Rex and Connor. They just observe from the corner with matching pouts on their faces, not liking the always present small shadow of a smile on Parker’ face and the easy ghost-touches he shares with Abby.
On his second visit Parker brings a huge bowl with various delicious fruits for Rex - Connor tries his best not to notice Abby’s radiant smile -, which the small lizard accepts happily. It’s when Parker follows Abby to the kitchen that Connor turns to Rex with a frown.