Apr 17, 2003 21:52
If you're not in the mood to read about politics, be sure to skip down this entry.
I know I haven't written in here for a long time, but I've been fairly busy... and disorganized. I've just been working... and most of my spare time is catching up on sleep or just enjoying myself... something I need more of as the days at work wear on.
I know that sounds very pessimistic about where I work. I certainly don't dislike it all the time. I've been feeling more of an important member in my workplace, but, at the same time, many situations occur where I see I'm still "the new guy."
On top of that, it seems my work place is filled with many people with conservative views, which is worse with this war in Iraq. I don't have a problem with people expressing their views, but most of what they say is not very well supported... based on assumptions or emotions. On top of that, with the multitude of people with these similar views... dissimilar to mine, it makes it tough on me, since I don't feel it would be good to express my view. I don't know how an argument with a co-worker would go. I haven't done much that would impress people with intelligence, so I wouldn't want to say something, even with much support, if I'm the only one who feels a certain way.
Well, I've been getting VERY political lately, and I guess everyone is. A war would tend to bring that sort of thing out in people. For me, this war is fueling a dislike of American foreign policy and a greater loss of faith in the intelligence of Americans. Now, I'm not saying that people who support the war or troops are unintelligent, but anyone who has spoken for it speaks in generalizations and with emotion, much like our president.
Among the many problems with this war, I see that Americans in general wish to display arrogance, will believe in things without being given proof, and in general don't question motives for some things that have occurred.
We don't listen to the international community, and we're not really willing to listen to them. The UN was going a little slowly, maybe, but I don't know what the rush was. I may have been told about weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare, and so forth, but we really have seen nothing at all so far to back that up. That would be the only reason to rush into this. Certainly, if I felt in danger for my life, I would want something done quickly.
What ever happened to worrying about the Axis of Evil? North Korea actually has nuclear capabilities. Wouldn't that nation be more of a threat?
Nothing was done to Iran, yet. Cuba has a dictator that we don't like. Are we going to knock Fidel Castro out of office because we feel it is right?
When did America become the policemen of the world? Are we always going to do things only for our gain?
We're also going to Iraq to free the Iraqis. Is that our job?
I could picture reasons why the world wouldn't want a US led war. The US would end up controlling the area, even if they are the ones to start the reconstruction and do not occupy.
Why should we impose our ideas on others? It's odd, I know, for an American to say that, considering the country... and most nations of the past, have done similar things.
People seem to want to avoid how reconstruction is to be done by companies that have connections to the president and vice president.
And that just brings me to a dislike of the display of American flags. If you truly care about your country, if you're a true patriot, you would NEVER let a tattered flag continue to fly (I'm writing specifically about the flags on cars, but this is true in general as well).
Ah, well, now that I've gotten that out of the way...
Political rant over...
Things have gone downhill in my house as far as my sister is concerned (the older one). She had her foot hanging off the edge of the dinner table. My dad asked her 3 times to take her foot off of the table, and she refused. Then, she goes into this rant about how he wanted her to lie to me about something. She got pushy, getting the refrigerator door pushed into dad and telling him to hit her after he put his hand on her shoulder to either calm her down or show his seriousness... nothing threatening. She used some harsh language on him too. Eventually, she leaves the house.
I later find that the lie was for my dad to give me money for internet service that I pay for (I said that if she wanted to used the internet service, she should pay for part of it). He wanted to make things simpler for her. She said she wouldn't lie about where the money came from if I asked her. Since we're not on speaking terms, at least not since September 2000, I don't think the topic would've come up. Besides, as I've told my dad, the reason I want the money from her is so I won't feel she's mooching off of me. I've been taken advantage of her far too many times to just let things slide with her. Money really isn't the issue. The issue is more punishment.
Well, for all of that trouble, my dad has said that she doesn't deserve to be in this house, if she doesn't apologize. This happened on April 1st, and no apology has come yet. When my mom told her the ultimatum my dad had for her, she said that she was planning on moving out after graduation from college anyway... which is at least one year in the future.
The disrespect my sister showed my dad... especially when he's working 2 jobs (my mom's also working 2 jobs now) to keep a roof over al of our heads... is inexcusable, even more so due to her lack of remorse.
The date was set of a sister removal at the end of the month... which just happens to also land around my other sister's birthday and my parents' anniversary.
That's about the biggest news here.
After the incident, my other sister was online, and the older sister asked her to visit a web site for her. I told her not to go there, and then I kept my eye on the older one. She made fun of me for it... in a similar way she mocked my dad, but not nearly as harshly. She said there was so much to make fun of me for, but failed to voice what things they were, other than the fact that I was using a very calm and soothing voice, which I was using mainly to help me control myself so as to keep me from doing something stupid.
Nothing has changed in the older sister's attitude, so I'm just counting down the days until her removal. It'll make things calmer here. It'll be quieter, and I know it'll make me more comfortable coming back to the house after work, or from where ever I might be coming. I don't know how my other sister will react. This is all very hard on my mom. I know she wants to support her children, but at the same time, one of them has done something awful, and something has to be done.
We'll see how things pan out. It's making me wonder about Easter, though. We celebrate Easter 1 week later than most people this particular year. Greek Orthodox tends to celebrate Easter later than others. I don't know what we'll be doing, but I hope it's not a repeat of last year's fiasco.
Anyway, sorry for the political ramblings, but the whole situation of where our government is headed scares me a bit.
Hope everyone else out there is well, and I'll write again soon. I've got to try getting an update in here that doesn't sound so harsh....