Must Be Dreaming

Aug 30, 2005 19:08

Hey kiddies! School has started and I actually have stuff to talk about I guess. Umm let's see, I like most of my classes, some of them might be really boring, and Trig and Chemistry is gonna probably be pretty hard for me. But I've got Chemistry with Lindsay and Spanish with Kayla, Michelle, and Donavan, I've got Trig with Alex Corrado, Jessica Fett, Cody Cliff, Maegan, so that class should be alright and for AM History I've got Danielle Frost and Brennen Johnson. lol So I guess my classes aren't terrible.

On Sunday I hung out with Kayla like all day and it was great. lol. We went to Home Depot and she actually drove us and she picked out tons of stuff for her bathroom and the guy that ordered her stuff studdered and we had some chick that would stare at us out of the corner of her eye. So, I got invited to hang out with Kayla and watch the VMAs with her even though they totally sucked and I would have watched the whole thing with her but her mom didn't want to drive me home that late at night...and I don't blame her. lol. And Kayla if you read your black baby boy BoBo Babinski for me and name your black baby girl Shanaynay. lmao good times.

And the last thing I'll talk about I guess and you know I'm going to...I got to see RON!!!! I was soooooooo excited to see him. You people don't even have any clue, my heart started racing when I saw him in the hall. And we said hi and unfortunately he nailed me right in the boob with his elbow...thanks a lot. lol. But Ciara made a comment to Michelle about me being hot or something and I guess Ron had this huge smile on his face. lol I was really happy when I heard that, but it seems like our relationship is a love hate one...he's kind of mean to me even though I know he doesn't mean it...I hope. lol. I don't know where that's gonna be heading but I'll keep you all updated because I know how much you love hearing about it. lol. J/k. Anyway that's it for me, so peace out homies!

P.S. Ciara...I promise I will stand with Ron one of these days. lol.
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