(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 17:11

LJ Interests meme results

  1. balance:
    Something I consider nescessary in the world, and in myself.
  2. clocks:
    When I met Tony, I think our obsessions of clocks cancelled each other out.
  3. distraction:
    A large percentage of my life. I don't have a problem with that.
  4. honesty:
    Should always come naturally, and be welcome.
  5. infinity:
    Puts perspective on things.
  6. make-up:
    I can be my own canvas.
  7. parties:
    Love 'em and hate 'em at the same time.
  8. possibilities:
    We may not always like them, but they're always available.
  9. smiles:
    I love a great smile, but not as much as I love being made to smile.
  10. vacations:
    I used to strive to have several a year, breaks from the stresses of everyday life, chances to see/do new things. My tastes started getting too expensive, though.

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