Aug 08, 2009 17:22
chelsea, read at least three times before responding. although, i'd rather you not.
yes, i said oscar was my only friend, because i was depressed and down on myself.
yes, i was depressed and down on myself because i'm left out of the loop sometimes.
yes, he has other friends. whatever.
i said nothing mean to you last night, i was just upset because i was lied to a few times and getting drunk was chosen over spending time with me. it makes me uncomfortable to be around that much drinking because it makes them stupid and loud. you take things way too personal and then get upset when others do the same thing; this is a prime example of that.
i've actually been kind of glad these last few weeks jc has been here, because you actually talk to us and aren't a pain in the ass when he's around. but seriously chelsea, it was one day apart. he's being incredibly rude by not spending time with his actual family, and you are incredibly rude by being the catalyst to that.
to bring up things we've talked about privately on a public forum like twitter is just the definition of cruel. i could tell everyone, family included, all the shit you say about them behind their backs if i wanted to, but i don't. sure, i can be mean to you sometimes, but most of the time things you qualify as mean are not. they are usually responses to things you've done, or things that you have no right getting upset over.
and to say the things you did (with no provocation on my part, might i add) and think they are justified...that just blows my mind away. the audacity. and then to bring up the guilt trip of, "YOU WERE MY HERO, BLAH BLAH BLAH," is just ridiculous. if i was really important to you, you should have done a bit more to show that, and not used it as a tool to make me feel bad.
there are a few issues you need to work out on your own before attacking, belittling, and humiliating me. all on an ASSUMPTION, of all things. and seriously chelsea, i do all i can to spend time with you but, like jc with his family, your relationship always takes first priority. and there's no way you can deny that. be it texting while we're watching a movie, playing a game, etc. or hiding away in your room all day, there's very little i can do to keep your attention. and in a year, you'll be gone, and don't give me shit about actually wanting to go to that particular school, because there's one in sacramento.
all just to be closer to your boyfriend. your FIRST boyfriend. and away from your family, because we're all so horrible, right?
so go ahead, chill with jc. i'm sure he's awfully surprised with the way you've acted today, because he's finally seeing the real you. and i hope you understand how it feels to have an entire list of things that should be kept private exposed publicly.