Random squee post

Mar 13, 2010 12:08

Squee One
So I've decided I'm going to take dance classes. I've chosen Latin Dance and I payed for the course yesterday evening. I'm so excited. I really hope it'll be good. (It better be since it steals my Friday evenings - it's from 7 to 8) I had discussed it with Mum first, well, discussed is an exaggeration, I told her I'm doing it and she said it's a good idea. I didn't feel the urge to tell my father. Reason1: he used to be a ballet dancer (which never stops being embarrassing, imagining your father in tights is not very pleasant, trust me) and he feels like anything connected to dancing belongs to him somehow. I didn't want him to start preaching about this too. Reason2: Whenever I watched Stricty Come Dancing he was moaning and bitching about how ugly it was, that it's no real dancing because they are just posing etc. *rolls eyes* But apparently Mum told him so last night when I came home he cornered me:

He: So I hear you want to take dance classes.
Me: (shitshitshitshit) Not 'want to', but 'am going to'. I just payed for the course.
He: That's good. It's high time you do some sport (translation: you are fat and you won't be able to walk by the time you turn 40)
Me: Mhm.
He: And don't be worried if you're not very good at first. (Gee, thanks, have a little faith.) You see when I started dancing... (There we go again... 20minutes of remembering his dancing carreer *wants to die*)

Why is it that even when he's trying to be nice it feels like an insult?

Squee Two
We *finally* got around to watch the latest House episode with greeneyespurple! OH. MY. GOD. Just... I HAVE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE THE AWESOMENESS OF IT! BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!!!! OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!!!! It had so many BRILLIANT scenes with my OT3 House/Chase/Thirteen!!! I almost died! I literally had to press my palm over my mouth to stop from screaming! Wilson and House discussing just how pretty Chase is (IN FRONT OF HIM!)
House: Little girls who kiss frogs expect them to turn into you.
Chase: Come on, I'm not THAT good looking.
House: Yeah you are.
Wilson: You kind of are. *Kate dies*

And there were so many awesome Chase/Thirteen scenes. There was some serious bonding going on there, and there were so many BEAUTIFUL shots and expressions! And they were working together brilliantly (and Chase was SOOOOOOO BRILLIANT and SMART and just squeeeeee) and just...

Chase: How good looking am I?
Thirteen: *WTF look*
Chase: I'm not asking if you are attracted to me, I'm looking for an objective answer
Thirteen: Oh , ok, then it's an appropriate question.
Chase: I acted like a complete tosser last night just to prove to House that women don't just go out with me for my looks. It cost me a 100 bucks and my definition of myself... and women. 
Thirteen: So date men, they're not shallow at all.

And then Wilson conspiring with Chase to get back at House? I was fangirling so much!!! This episode killed me! I think I'm going to rewatch the good scenes at least a million times! EEEEE! And it gave me new bunnies for my Chase/Thirteen/House series. mwuhahaha

(because I don't have it among my icons on this journal)

Squee Three
I got a Squirrel Love virtual gift from greeneyespurple! *squirrel squee* Awwww, they are so cute. *hugs you very tight* Thank you, Maria!!!

life and other disasters, squeeeee

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