Title: Isn't someone missing me?
Pairing: first none explicitly (but slight references to Willabeth, Sparrabeth, even Turrow if you want to see it that way), in the improved ending Pullington
Rating: R (for 1 QaF clip, but not really)
Summary: Tribute to James Norrington to the song Missing by Evanescence. It shows how no one misses Jamie after his death. BUT, what if we could rewrite the story and by just changing a small detail we could change a lot?
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Detailed Summary: The video shows how no one misses Jamie after his death. Even if they briefly remember him, they soon get on with their lives and forget he even existed. This is pretty much what happened in AWE *sobs*
BUT, what if we could rewrite the story and by just changing a small detail we could change a lot. What happens if we add a character that loves and admires him, someone he can truly love? What happens if we add Tom Pullings? Well, find out. :D
Note: In case it's difficult to understand the ending: In the new and improved version of AWE Jamie still dies but everybody mourns him PROPERLY and because Tom can't live without him, he asks Will to take him to Jamie, so they get their happily ever after even if only in death. :D