femslash_land Original Character challenge. The task was to create an OC in any fandom and describe them very briefly, and there had to be a femslashy element. I maaaaaaaaaay have gone a little overboard. *shifty look*
Instead of one character, have a couple. And a wallpaper. And descriptions 10 times as long as required. I can't be trusted with OCs, people...
Your character's name: Ilana Kaplan
The name of the actor/actress who plays your character: Ruth Wilson
At least one picture of your character
Which fandom your character is in: The Vampire Diaries
A description of at least 50 words of your character's personality/backstory: Ilana was born into a Jewish family in the early 16th century. Her family was originally from Krakow but her great-grandparents had decided to try their luck in the world and eventually settled down in Portugal to benefit from the flourishing trade. The family converted to Christianity when Judaism was banned in the country but when ten years later in 1506 converted Jews were massacred in Lisbon, Ilana’s parents decided to move on. Her mother was already pregnant when they set out and Ilana was born during the journey - literally on the road, as they were far from any village when her mother went into labour.
They settled down in a French port at first, Ilana spent the first 13 years of her life there. But after her father died in an accident, her mother remarried and they moved to England with her new husband, a young painter. The first few years there were hard for them but Ilana’s stepfather slowly started getting more commissions. When she turned 17 he started painting her, which she enjoyed fiercely, it excited her more than the dreary life she’s been leading. So, much to her mother’s mortification she started searching out the company of rich men who would lavish her with gifts. After her mother’s death, when Ilana was 19, she began an affair with her newly widowed stepfather and gradually he started introducing her to his art patrons, who she often entertained with her talent in singing and dancing, as well as her other, more secret gifts.
That’s how she met the vampire Rebekah four years later. Rebekah chanced upon a painting of Ilana and got her brother, Kol to get in touch with Ilana’s stepfather. For the next few months Ilana got caught up in the two vampires’ delicious debauchery but when they suddenly had to leave for reasons she never found out, Kol snapped her neck, simply because he was in a bad mood. What he didn’t know was that Rebekah had been secretly feeding Ilana her blood, intending to turn her. So when they were gone Ilana woke alone, going through her transition without any help. But over the years and decades to follow she mastered her nature and she enjoys being a vampire.
She likes feeding on humans but lets them live more often than not. When she kills she only kills men, though, and the few times she turned humans they were always women, because she didn’t want to see their beauty fade.
Your character's name: Beatrice Hall
The name of the actor/actress who plays your character: Hayley Atwell
At least one picture of your character
Which fandom your character is in: The Vampire Diaries
A description of at least 50 words of your character's personality/backstory: Bernadette was born in the mid 1800s, into a wealthy English family. As the first, and for a long time, only child of the family she was pampered and cherished from the moment she was born. She got the best of everything and grew into a most accomplished woman. Though she was intelligent, this shielded and easy life made her ignorant of the world’s ways. When she was 17 she was married to a wealthy landlord’s oldest son, who was 15 years older than her.
Her husband was a man who cared deeply for the poor and spent all his time trying to mend the injustices he witnessed daily. He opened Bernadette’s eyes to the world and she was grateful for that but in every other way he was cold to her. He did not dislike her, he just needed a kind helper in his charitable quests more than a wife. He didn’t know how to touch a woman without causing her pain and Bernadette started dreading the nights when he came to her bedroom. She was relieved when she finally got pregnant nearly two years into their marriage because he left her alone at night as soon as he found out she was with child.
It was around this time that Bernadette met Ilana. Ilana at that time had a very mixed reputation: although she was a mildly reputable opera signer, she was still treated as if she belonged to the nobility because she had secure connections in the highest places. At popular request she sang at one of the balls given by one of the neighbours of Bernadette’s husband and Bernadette could persuade her husband to attend. The evening had a great effect on her and she pleaded with her husband until he finally gave in and let her invite Ilana to stay with them for a while.
Weeks turned into months and Ilana and Bernadette got close. Bernadette thought she’d found a best friend but Ilana knew that she was truly in love for the first time in her life and she knew she wanted to spend eternity with this woman but did not know how to reveal herself - her affections as well as being a vampire. In the end the choice of timing got taken out of her hand. Bernadette went into labour prematurely. It was a long and agonizing birth and the doctors weren’t able to save the child - it was chocked during birth by the umbilical cord. Bernadette was left weak as well, the doctors were ready to give up hope.
Then Ilana went in to speak with her and offered her a choice. Ilana would be able to heal her and let her continue her life as a human at her husband’s side and lead a full life. Or she could choose to become a vampire and leave with Ilana. Bernadette chose to be turned. They faked her death to save her husband the humiliation of being left by his wife and went to Italy to start again.
Bernadette never particularly liked the mess that came with feeding, it reminded her too much of all the blood that accompanied her child’s birth and death, so they got into the habit of Ilana taking blood from her chosen victims and filling it into bottles, so they could enjoy it like a delicious wine. Also, even though Ilana had a daylight ring, they usually kept to the night, because the witch that had made it for her had died many decades ago and she didn’t know who else to turn to. They didn’t want to risk getting caught up in any of the frequent hostilities between witches and vampires and all the other creatures of the world, so they decided to keep to themselves.
At first their relationship remained platonic, since Bernadette, no matter how much she cared about Ilana, found it hard to conceive that there could be passionate love between two women. But as the years passed she too started feeling the yearning Ilana had been harbouring for a long time. They became a couple in 1883 and never left each other’s side ever since.