{picspam} favourite actors/actresses

Mar 10, 2009 20:57

WOW I can't believe I'm actually finally posting my (like I like to call it) epic picspam of doom!!!!!^^ This started out very simple with this meme-kinda-thing I made with some friends at a forum in the Oscar night where we all posted our 15 favourite actors & actresses. Doing that list showed me it was impossible to limit it to only 15 people and I decided to fulfill my list and post it here. Sounds quite easy but somehow this got a life of it's own. At some point I realized I never would be able to pick all the actors/actresses who'd (in my opinion) deserve to be listed here or I'll never ever get this posted. Believe me I changed the list like a thousand times and this was the best compromise I can (hopefully) live with.
So here they are my 30 favourite actors & actresses! At the moment that is, the list could be quite different in a few weeks for all I know. ;-) Oh yeah I won't give you an order cause I can't choose a favourite of my favourites, so I'll just leave it in alphabetical order. =)

So after I had decided 30 had to be enough, I originally wanted to make it 15/15, but I ended up with 16 actors and 14 actresses, I just couldn't help it. But enough talk now, let's start with the girls, shall we?

"I am a very simple girl. I was on Gilmore Girls for a long time and it became part of who I am and I was sad when it ended but I also felt that it was time. I have a dog named Sophie and I love her more than life itself. I am from Texas and my parents still live there. I have a younger brother. I love my family so much! I am a really down to earth nice girl who happens to have a really cool job." source

"I am incredibly happy and honored to have anyone interested in what I have to say and in what I do. I enjoy my work and it gives me tremendous pleasure to see that other people enjoy it as well." source

“There should be a law that there's a pajama day every few weeks.” source

"Weight doesn't matter as long as you're happy with yourself." source

"I am incredibly passionate about my life, I am absolutely unable to hide any emotion. If I wrote a book, I'd have to call it 'P is for Passion'. I don't go in for anything halfway. My feelings about things are instant, on the spot. And my heart is always, always on my sleeve." source

(On actresses living in Hollywood) "I take my hat off to actresses there, particularly the young ones, because the emphasis is on trying to find perfection. But I think it's the imperfections in people that make them perfect. I don't find perfect faces very interesting." source

"I really miss doing stage though, I really do. I actually prefer that, hands down to anything else and I can do it in bits and pieces but it's not that easy to commit to a play. Life's much easier if you can get work in TV or film so I don't know." source

"If I have to produce movies, direct movies, whatever to change the way Hollywood treats older women, I’ll do it. If I have to bend the rules, I will. If I have to break them, I will." source

“Smart women love smart men more than smart men love smart women.” source

"Did I always want to be an actress? Yes, but then I also wanted to be the President of the
United States. I left college in Texas, where I grew up, when I was 18 and thought I'd try
the LA thing for a year. That was seven years ago." source

"It's great playing someone who is not like me at all. I'm really a nice girl, so it's fun to be a bitch, then come home and be myself again. When I meet people now, they're surprised that I'm a good person." source

"I'm fun. I can be really fun." source

"Life is too short, and I'm Italian. I'd much rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size zero." source

"I'm blessed with a lot of energy and stamina. I can't stand sitting still. I went to a spa once with my mom and I was like, "Get me out of here!'"." source

So far so good, are you still in control of all your brain functions? Well don't rely on them anymore cause now we'll get to some hot (at least in my opinion =P) guys! Let's see who made the list (and there are really so so many that should be on that list as well!!!)...

"I love every movie that's out there. There are too many to name but actually I love the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Grind." source

"Well I'm an emotional kind of guy. As you can tell." from the audiocommentary to Merlin 1x10

"One of the most important things is to remind yourself of where you are from and be thankful. I don't for a second take anything for granted. That's a good way to start your day." source

"You go into a supermarket and your face is on a cake. And the other day ... I got sent ... there are now underpants with my face on them. And that's not a sentence I ever thought I'd ever say on National Television ... you can now have ... my face on your crotch!" source

“I think being different, being against the grain of society, is the greatest thing in the world.” source

"I had a really regular progression--and this is really pleasant, I think--because I had small parts in TV movies, then bigger parts in TV movies, and then small parts in films. And I think this allows you to get...experience of the set and to get familiar with [the process]. And as I had a really slow progression, I think it really helped me to stay lucid and not get carried away." source

"As an actor, there's a lot of talking about yourself. So I think I've learned how dangerous it is to treat yourself and your personality and your life as a commodity. If you sell it cheaply, you're not going to get much back." source

“I don’t think we take ourselves very seriouslly. Growing up I used to see these people who were called like cuties or hotties or sex symbols and they’d be like ‘You know I’m sexy’. (strikes a pose) or like, ‘look how sexy and hot I am’ and I think it`s just disgusting and I think you gotta kinda be able to make fun of yourself you know. However you look is just a shell of who you are- it’s nothing really- to do with you” source

"I'm a mad Gummi fan. I always have Gummis in my trailer. But you can't eat too many because then you get Gummi tummy, and that's no good. I can't believe I'm saying this." source

"You know, at the end of the day, I can only be me. I could try to convince you that I'm Leonardo DiCaprio; I could try to convince you that I'm Edward Norton; I could even try to convince you that I'm Julia Roberts. But I'm Josh. And I don't want to spend my time projecting a false image." source

"Face it; I didn't become famous until I took my clothes off." source

"Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me, I don’t know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I’m a weirdo." source

“I’m tough on the outside and soft on the inside…I’m really a shy guy.” source

"I'm a games and theory kind of guy. I love puzzles, so it was fun dissecting Shakespeare's prose." source

"I always wanted to entertain. When I was 6, a scrawny, scrawny kid, I'd get in my red speedo and do muscle moves. I actually thought I was muscular. I didn't know everyone was laughing at me." source

"If you could take a look at the map of your life, your whole life, would you do it? I wouldn't." source

This has to be about the longest post I ever made. *g* During preparing this post I recognized I never actually had done any kind of picspam before (if you really can call it so, dunno and don't care cause I had fun doing it like this), so I hope you enjoyed it!!
Originally I also wanted to write like a little explanation why this specifical actor/actress is on my list but that surely would've taken me another week (and I really had to finally get this out now!) and I also think the entry would've gotten much too long that way to be posted in one (it's already too long like that *g*), so I left it with a quote from every actor/actress him-/herself, cause seriously who knows them better than they for themselves. ;-)

Please no bashing against any actors/actresses featured here! If you don't like my choices that's absolutely fine with me but noone forces you to be here. It's a free country and it's my community so it's about my favourites, 'mkay.
Also please don't reapost any of the here provided pics! (Or at least credit me.) It really took quite some time to have them like this.
Feel free to let me know though if you'd like to have any of the "icons" (yes the small pics, that are put together, are actually icon-sized) and I'll gladly provide them to you, as well as the original pics if you'd prefer them. =)
Oh yes, feel free to link everyone and their cousin here! That's why I posted it here and not on my private journal.

So now I'll finally shut up! =D

picspam, actresses, actors

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