And so I've finally found time to write up my smash report~ yay~
I got up at 5am to get ready to leave for smash! I cosplayed as Irie Shouichi from Reborn with the lovely
gn004nadleeh as my byakuran 8D we somehow managed to leave late but make it in time for that train phew~
We met up with
shaz_ashuri on the train and she got changed into her Simca outfit <333 she is so awesome! *wiggles eyerows* we arrived at unsw and joined the very slow pre-reg line orz"" the very epic
bubblefire joined us still in her netball clothes xD so when we got inside we headed for the bathroom for her to change into her Ryohei cosplay!! I forgot to get pics of ryohei in the netball clothes D8;;
In the bathroom I got to see so many awesome people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fails*
cattypatra was there <333 and then Kaiya, Jyo and lil-cazza came in as Oshitari, Gakkun and Atobe from Hyoutei!! so cute <333 *faints* and then Miyukiko and Straw came in in their epic code geass cosplay *___* and I finally got to meet my soon-to-be wife/husband Takuya!!! who is so cute!!!!! <33333333 We went to the cosplay room next and waited a while for chess to start~ we saw
glorfindeland Mis_V in there who are awesome always <3333 I wish i'd gotten pictures with them though ;___; they did such a good job organising etc the cosplay stuff =D
We got tired of waiting escaped to look at the artists table where I saw
silverharmony with Meeko doing their very cute DN coplay X3 only later on did I realize I never got a picture of them ;__; but at least I bought some of their awesome badges xD I bought Hibari and Zero which are now on my bag X3
I got to see
tsubakichan who was cosplaying Maka from soul eater!!! her*drools* her cosplay was so cute >3< A highlight for me was definately randomly meeting the mc from animania XDDD! he said to Nadleeh "I'm going to do you at animania" everyone in hearing distance cracked up XD of course he didn't mean it in that way~ he's going to cosplay Byakuran for animania <3333 *excited*
shaz_ashuri found us when chess was starting xD;; Chess was amusing but personally I found it dissapointing~ I didn't move once LOL but Bubblefire throwing her kangaroo and yelling extreme was definately the highlight for me <3 I got to see Lauren who was cosplaying as Misa Misa...she was tall *____* <33333333
Afterwards we went walkabout looking at stalls and seeing lots of amazing people~ there was another Byakuran and Mukuro cosplayer!! so we got photos with them <3 I'm glad there was quite a few reborn cosplayers, reporn needs more love! we hopped outside to buy croissants and drinks and took some crack photos whilst eating, ran into some cosplayers doing Nanully and Suzaku from Code Geass, so cute *___* There were quite a few PoT cosplayers at smash which made me happy <333 I want to cosplay PoT now orz""
We went to go watch Kiuchi's voice acting segment which was awesome, he is amazing!!! bubblefire got to go up and voice act with him which was hilarious!!!! she did such a good job!! it was around this time when catty surprise buttsecksed me XD;;; and I got to see her and meet Lexis!! their cosplays were so awesome <3333333
Takuya appeared again in her smexy lulu cosplay and we got to talk more, I wanted pictures with her but she's evil! the poor thing hadn't eaten all day so I went with her to buy a croissant which was fun <333 I love her so much!! I felt so bad for leaving her to get Kiuchi's signature ;___;
Kiuchi signed my PoT card!!! and he knew who we were cosplaying and spoke to us~~!!! *dies of happyness*
Afterwards we headed up to the cosplay room to await the cosplay comp~ it started really late so we were all falling asleep in the line but I got to talk to one of the speed racer cosplayers, they had gotten like 2hrs I was amazed O___o;; their costumes were amazing though x3 I loved the idea of seating and the screen in the room though! I got to talk to lots of cosplayers in the line, I wanted to talk more but I felt so sick orz"" it was finally nearly our turn and I was getting really nervous as usual but bubblefire is so amazing and made my nervous-ness go away =D I had planned to grope tsubakichan on the way off the stage but sadly where she was standing was too far away from the stairs =\
Afterwards I FINALLY GOT TO MEET SHOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to talk more but needed to head off to the cosplay room~ On the way there we found Furinkan! I had no idea what he was cosplayig as but he looked awesome!! We hung in the cosplay room for a while taking crack pictures but then it was getting late so with Nadleeh and Shaz_Ashuri we left to go catch the train~ Colman and sesshy where also catching the train! lucky timing!! I felt so much safer on the train at night with the group <333 I feel bad for not talking much on the train etc but I was really tired, i'm so sorry!!! *head-desk*
There's so many awesome people that I got to see at smash and I have a really bad memory so i'm sorry if i've forgotten anyone D8;; report is so long this time o__O;; sorry for spamming you now i'll spam you all with some pictures! *gets-shot*
ohohohoho shaz_ashuri compensating~
Bubble, Lauren and I 8D
KATSU NO WA HYOUTEI~~~!! They're so cute >3<
With Tsubaki! she's so tall!!!
With the increadibly cute Miyukiko!! I need to put down my bags orz""
Me, Catty and Lexis! they're so awesome >///<
Miyukiko and Straw cosplaying Tsuna and Kyoko <333
Ryohei-sensei taught us valuable lessons in the cosplay room =D
Bubble is so light XDD it looks like she's karate chopping me
Misa was seriously delicious!
She is so strong *___*
I'll end on this picture from the train ride cause it makes me laugh so much XDDD
Smash report hehe~ it's so long