All I wanta do is have a little fun before I die...

Sep 19, 2004 02:49

Another one of these...


1. What is your full name? Tiffany Lynn Martin
2. What is your star sign? Cancer
3. What are your racial origins? Irish, English, Dutch... blah blah
4. Where do you live? Chesterfield, VA
5. What would you've been called if you were the opposite sex? Josh haha
6. When is your birthday? July 15, 1987


1. Have you ever had a recurring dream? no
2. What's your most memorable dream? when I was little dreamin I was on Aladdin's carpet at Disney World haha
3. How many hours sleep do you get each night? 6-7 on the weekdays
4. What time do you get up on a school day? 6
6. Have you ever got so drunk that you don’t remember going to bed? No.
7. What do you normally do last thing before going to bed? talk online
8. Does coffee wake you up? sometimes
9. Does vodka put you to sleep? wouldn't know
10. Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to how you started? yup
11. What was the last time you shared a bed? i dunno itd be with a girl at a sleepover we used to have all the time haha
12. Do you tend to dream about real life things more, or complete fantasies? Mostly real life.
13. How long do you remember your dreams for when you wake up? barely remember em at all.
14. Which is worse - being too hot in bed, or too cold? Too hot, coldness is what blankets are for
15. How many pillows do you sleep with? a lot like 4 or 5
16. What was your biggest night time fear as a child? that my floor was covered in spiders so i couldnt touch it with my bare feet lol
17. What's under your bed? sheets and linens and jank
18. What do you wear in bed? sweatpants and a spaghetti strap
19. Do you read in the evening, the morning, or not at all? evening


1. Right now, sum up your emotion in 3 words? happy, pressured, guilty
2. When was the last time you cried? ahh a couple weeks ago...
3. Which is more important, to be fair, or to be correct? fair
4. Do you prefer to think or to feel? feel
5. Is the glass half empty or half full? Half full most of the time haha
6. At what age do you want to die? geez i dunno 80s
7. If you could pick one age to stay at for the rest of your life, what would it be? id hate that. that would be so boring.
8. Do you prefer the arts or the sciences? Arts.
9. What do you fear more - failure, or pain? Failure.
10. Can you really trust anyone? i'm not sure. Only a few really good friends
11. Are aliens real? you think I'm gonna say no and piss them off?? haha anything is possible.
12. Have you ever taken an illegal drug? No
13. What was it like? duh
14. When have you been most scared? umm I really don't know
15. What is your favourite computer game? the Sims 2! haha jammy
16. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done in public? umm stealing the old lady's grocery cart on accident kidna outta her hands yeah
17. Have you ever walked along a train track? Yes
18. Have you ever sprayed your hand with deoderant and set fire to it? Noooo but ive seen other idiots do it
19. Have you ever considered suicide? noooooooooooooooo
20. How many people (that you know personally) do you truly respect? umm about 10... that's not that many. close friends and certain family members

Which friend:

1. Is the closest? Kristen
2. Has shared the most secrets with you? Kris
3. Is the funniest? Sak
4. Is the most trustworthy? Kris
5. Pulls the most? I don't understand that question... lol
6. Has the highest morals? Kris
7. Is the cleverest? uhh.... lol.
8. Is the proudest? dude wth. the proudest??
9. Is the naughtiest? jennay
10. Is the flirtiest? mollay
11. Is the most determined? andrew lol
12. Is the most mature? steph
13. Is a child at heart? erica
14. Do you spend the most time with? ah gosh all my colorguard/band people since that's a major time consumer.
15. Is the prettiest? kris
16. Is the shyest? umm mal? maybe kris?
17. Is the most confident? jammy
18. Is the most paranoid? andrew
19. Is the most popular? sak
20. Is the most daring? sak
21. Is the most generous? andrew
22. Is the sweetest? kris

Which friend will...

21. End up as a rich aristocrat? steph! lol
22. Make it as an actor? sigh jessica ;) lol
23. Be a surrogate mother? uhh i do not know haha
24. Be a professor? mmm... thats a stupid one
25. End up smoking dope in front of the TV? i hope none of them!
26. Be arrested first? sigh sak haha
27. Become an evil dictator? my brother josh
28. Be a stripper? jammy lol
29. Commit suicide? noooooobody rawr
30. Marry first? umm molly

I have sucha variety of friends... haha.

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