To everyone attending Anime Expo...

Jun 30, 2005 17:34

...or anyone who finds anime humor funny. (greboguru, stormyserenity, nicoli_dominn, auroraborealisx for starters)

Ganked this from soletta, and just about peed myself laughing. How's this for apocryphal chapters? XD

Yet Another Sign of the Coming Apocalypse--A Little-Known Chapter of the Book of Revelations

"Yea, I watched as the angel broke the 10th seal and the unholy get of Man-Faye and the drunken Catgirl (who was as yet un-spayed) issued forth. And lo, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth at the sight of this abomination.

And the 11th seal broke, and lo, from the earth rose the great dragon SANRIO. And astride it's back was the mighty whore of Tokyo, beady of eye and missing of mouth. And the waters turned blood red, and smelt of strawberry Kool-Aid.

And the sky echoed with the roar of bad J-pop, as the angel broke the 12th seal, and out poured a river of gaijin, clad as schoolgirls of the East. And their speech was a terror and pain to the ears of Japanese language instructors. And at the head of these over-endowed demons was Gwen Stefani. And they chanted the evil chant... Har...Ah ...Juuuu Kuuuuuu. And atonal terror filled the land.

And the unholy armies of unwashed fanboys did gather upon this plain of evil, and swept forward at the urgings of these things of evil. Foul was their stench and greasy was their hair. And darkness did cover the city of Ana-heim. Those among the land who were wise did quake and fear for they knew....Hell hath returned....Another Anime Expo had begun."
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