Glory, glory, HALLEUJAH!

Jun 07, 2005 21:14

Yes, darlings...Sonoma State *actually* posted grades before the second coming of Christ. Color me shocked.

I doubt anyone was really wondering, or really has that much interest in my pursuits of academia, but given that this semester was one long stretch of HARD, here's how I did. Plus, it's my LJ, so nyeh. ;)

Grades for Spring Semester 2005
Anthropology 341: The Emergence of Civilizations--A
History 435: The History of Modern China--A
Liberal Studies 320B: Postmodernism and Poststructuralism--A-
Liberal Studies 499: Internship--A
Music 343: Studies in Musical Genres-The History of Rock--A

I'm *so* relieved. I honestly didn't think I could pull grades like this during this semester. Between the really hard classes, getting sick, and generally burning out by the end of the semester, I figured a lot of my A's were in doubt. Thankfully, that was not the case!

The only bone I have to pick is that the A- in Postmodernism dropped my GPA. Now, anyone who doesn't know me is now screaming "OH GET OVER IT!!" at their comp screen, while anyone who does know me is nodding sagely. The short story is that I've had a 4.0 GPA for all my years (I'll be a senior next year) in college. I study really hard (IMHO), and my 4.0 was proof of that, I felt. The A- unfortunately dropped me to a 3.94. Still, I'm not *that* upset because I still keep my presidential scholarship and my priority registration. Yessss! And I'm still eligible to graduate Summa Cum Laude, which is DAMN cool. Thus ends my bone to pick.

And anyways, it was a A- from a professor who has only given out about 3 full A's in his entire lifetime. So it's all good.

Alright, I'm happy; life's good. I'm going to go eat some Ben and Jerry's. ;)

Amusing Thought of the Day: People say I have A.D.D. but I think they're mistaken. I just...oh look! A chicken!
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