Some photos to keep you going before I see you guys!
The photo that was in the paper just before boarding the coach to Gatwick! WOO!
Me and my girlies- I was like a celebrity man! Get mobbed everytime I left the room!
Ok guys so the hotty on the left is our designer...phwoar. Carl is the sex.
Being mobbed...
A present from one of the girls... didn't really know how to react to that one lol!
Nana-Anna, moi and Esther:
A group of us....
They gave us uniforms! (moi et vicky)
Ghanaian blokes are pretty buff...expecially Sadick - check out the muscles man..phwoar
Anna Banana and my on stage father, Fiifi. A dude and good friend.
Dan is the sex.
Later dudes! xxxx