This Is My Letter To The World That Never Wrote To Me

Oct 18, 2012 22:11

A quote from The Stand:

"One of {Nadine}'s college profs had been fond of saying that the thought process can never be complete without articulation."

I've really been feeling very
depressed lately

to the point where
all of my thoughts
are coming out
like avant-garde poetry written during the harlem renaissance.

And I feel my creativity
in my brain.

I think to myself
Do I have nothing worth saying?
Or does nothing seem worthwhile because I haven't shared it?

Rearden ('member him?) once said I was the most introverted extrovert he knew.
Positional grammar is important.
I'm considered an extrovert, because my ideas aren't complete until they're communicated.
I guess.
And I'm introverted
Because when I'm unhappy
I withdraw.

Like this.

deep thoughts

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