In Every Mind There Is A Door That Should Never Be Opened

Oct 20, 2010 13:12

__sailormoon__: It was awesome getting to see you, even if it was only for a few minutes when we were all dead on Saturday night! You looked very cute in the Pete's Basement T-shirt! Did you end up buying anything?

_inneruniverse: Thank you for joining us for dinner on our way home on Sunday! I'm sorry we didn't get to see you for most of the con, but at least we got to catch up and hear all of your awesome stories and see all of your swag! And of course, seeing you with purple streaks in your hair is always an added bonus. =D

blackirismetal: I'm sorry I didn't get to run into you guys on Saturday, I would've enjoyed seeing you in costume again. I'll bet you were the hit of the con! And thank you for the compliment to my Rogue costume. ^.~

chienverde: I'm glad I got to see you, even if it was only like two ships passing in the night. You looked so cute in your Hogwarts PE uniform, I wish I could have seen the rest of your costumes! I can't believe we haven't seen each other since the wedding, it's been too long!

darien_kou: I didn't even know you were coming to this con, I haven't seen you in a dog's age! I really liked your costume, and I'm glad I got a photo of you in it! I just wish I had gotten to see you a little longer!

djranmas: Big Brother! You are awesome. Thanks for helping us out at the con so much! I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more hang-out time together, but now at least we get to hang out at severthemeans's gigs!

docthestampede Running into you is fast becoming one of my favorite parts of any con. :) Thank you for spending so much time with me on both Friday and Saturday, and especially for taking photos of me on Saturday. (That I'd still like to see... ^.^) We'll have to get together for a photoshoot soon, I still want to be Zatanna for you, and of course, Anna and I owe you some frill-time!

fischmanprod: Dude, great seeing you! I got a pretty awesome photo of you that I will share. I'm sorry we didn't really get to hang out more, but at least we got a little bit of time together! Did you buy any original art at this con?

gaijinotaku: Mooshy man! Thank you for being so patient with me taking pictures of cosplayers I liked, posing for people who wanted to take pictures of me, slowing down when my feet were killing me (thankfully, that only happened Sunday really!), and just generally being an awesome cosplayer husband. I know comic cons are more your speed than anime cons, so I hope you had a good time. And, as always, you're the sexiest Vash in the room. <3

halifax_slasher: It was so great seeing you on Friday and Saturday! I'm only sorry we didn't get a chance to circle back on Saturday afternoon so you could've taken a picture with me while I was wearing Rogue. I really miss you and our hangout times! We'll have to get together again soon.

harleyquinnade: My pretty pretty girl! Is it possible I haven't seen you since Halloween? That can't be true! I'm glad I got to see you Saturday night, even if it was only briefly. And remember, my private offer to you is redeemable any time, any where! ;-)

ifuritaoni: I seriously can't even remember the last time I ran into you--probably the last comic con, well over a year ago! If then! You looked absolutely beautiful as always, and thank you for taking the "Anthy pose" picture for me even if you were out of costume. (Actually, I guess it was a little bit easier to do without the corset!) Thank you especially for taking the time to talk to mariorob for so long, I know he really appreciated hearing the voice of experience. Let's hang out again soon!

jenybean: PUT DOWN THE CREDIT CARD AND STEP AWAY FROM THE ALEX ROSS PRINT. LOL. Seriously though, I'm sorry you couldn't get the things you really had your heart set on (I agree that Iron Man statue was AWESOME!) but you still got some of the coolest swag of the con! I especially love that purple wig that you bought and I need to remember to get their business card from you. Oh, and if you find your Batman and Superman plushies in compromising positions, remember, it's always gaijinotaku's fault. =D

madmistersmiley: I hope Pete's Basement got a lot of great coverage for the show! And you definitely got a lot of swag, but next time, wait until the end of the night to buy the giant sword that you're going to have to lug around, huh? Thank Gerick again for giving us a ride home, please, and thank you for taking pictures of my new green lolita dress for me. Let's shoot together again soon!

mariorob: Thank you for being so tall and easy to find so that I never truly got lost in that (gigantic, pressing, maddening, frightening) crowd. Thank you for being so sweet to everyone who wanted to take a picture with you, most especially the little kids who would look up at you with stars in their eyes. Thank you for being my pockets when my costume had none. Thank you for going everywhere and doing almost everything with us. Really, just thank you for being you.

ngmaster: So, how did the great experiment go? I never did get to question you fully about your findings. I hope you had a good time hanging out with us, I certainly had a good time hanging out with you, and sharing some libations. And especially thank you for bending your rules to take a few photos of my latest costume, that one shot we got ended up being my favorite one from the con.

phalanx2525: Dude, looking good! I'm so glad we got to see you before we left for the night on Saturday! And I'm glad we were able to help out by pointing you to that one table gaijinotaku found, I hope you were able to find good stuff!

popecerebus: I'm so sorry I had to rush by you when I saw you on Saturday, and that we never got to do our photoshoot after that. The entire con was such a madhouse, it was so packed and there were so many things going on, and on Saturday we all just about died and needed to get home. Hopefully I'll make it up to you at the next con we both attend!

If I forgot anyone, I apologize! It's been over two weeks since the con, but October is always my busiest month and I just didn't have a chance to get around to it until now! And I'm sorry I missed so many more people who had come up for the day or even the weekend, it was nearly impossible to find anybody in the crowd. Let's all play together again soon!

Does anybody still want to see pictures?


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