I'm Afraid Those Things'll Harm Me, 'Cause They Sure Don't Act Like Barney

Jul 26, 2010 10:05

Friday: I got my accident report from the precinct, no trouble there, and then Marvel and I had a relatively quiet night at home. I have to take the car to a drive in claim center tonight to assess the damage, determine liability, and get an estimate. We shall see.

Saturday: Epic Crew Luau, so much fun. I'll hopefully have time to go into detail, and maybe even post some pictures, in a day or two, but the biggest news of the evening was that we found Marvel's wedding ring!

Sunday: Went to my family in Brooklyn to celebrate Boo's birthday. We played volleyball in the pool, had Chinese food, watched Marvel's and my wedding video, and played some Catchphrase.

Otakon Meme

Where and who am I staying with?
Marvel and I will be staying at the Marriott (Outer Power) Inner Harbor.

What are you wearing on what days?
Semi-tentative: Friday afternoon: Sailor Mars (R Season)
Friday night: Umi Ryuuzaki (school uniform)
Saturday morning: EGL Red Dress
Saturday afternoon: Snow White (peasant dress)
Sunday: Urd

Who are you driving with?
Since I didn't have a car earlier this year when we were in the midst of Otakon planning, Marvel and I will be taking Amtrak down.

When are you getting there on Thursday?
We don't do Thursdays. Marvel and I should be arriving around 4 PM Friday afternoon.

Wearing anything in the pre-reg line?
Yes; since we're getting there post check-in time, we'll go straight to the hotel room, unpack, and then get dressed in whatever I'm wearing (either Sailor Mars or Umi) and head on over to the convention center.

Wanna get dinner?
I think most of our meals are all planned out, actually. Friday night Marvel and I have a long-standing date at The Wharf Rat, just the two of us. Saturday afternoon we want to have dinner with denomic (carp, I should ask Marvel if he e-mailed him...or shoot, e-mail him myself), Saturday night we want to have dinner with oatmeal_queen and her fiancé.

Are you doing the masquerade? Or just hall cosplay?
Just hall cosplay, we don't sew so we don't compete.

What photoshoots do you have planned? Any gatherings and stuff?
There are Cosplay.com (I think? avianfirefly told me about them, I just follow her) shoots we're going to try to hit; the CLAMP one at 8 PM Friday night, the Sailor Moon one at 11 AM (I think?) Saturday morning, the Disney one 1 PM Saturday afternoon, and I think I'm going to have a friend take pictures of our AMG costumes on Sunday. (Mental note: I have to tell the girls I have a friend who wants to shoot us on Sunday.)

What about panels or workshops? Maybe the dealer's room?
There aren't any panels or workshops I'm planning on (did Otakon even release the programming schedule on their website yet?), but I'll go along with whatever Marvel wants to check out. And we usually hit the dealer's room at least once a day, although the older and more obsolete I get, the less the dealer's room has to tempt me.

You wanna go and party on Saturday night? Maybe get drunk or something.
I'm not ruling anything out, but probably not. We's old fogies, remember. :) And Marvel looks forward to watching Saturday Night Live in bed with his girlie.

To Do List:
* Contact Hime-chan and ask her if she's going to Otakon, and if not, send her money to ship the dress to me. Update: She got back to me and promised me she'd pop it in the mail on Saturday, I just have to see how much it was and PayPal her the money to cover the cost.

* Locate lace fan, lace gloves, and lace parasol.
* If the lace gloves are not in the trunk kimono, contact _inneruniverse and see if she has them. Update: I now have all three! Thanks, _inneruniverse!

* Try on Snow White wig with hair pinned properly and wig cap in place.
* Watch Snow White, figure out what shoes she's wearing.
* Buy shoes if I don't have ones that will suffice (I can't imagine I do, but you never know.) Update: I ordered the other wooden shoes I found online, they should arrive in two days, three at the most.
* Bring down Urd costume.
* AHH! * AHH! I almost forgot! I almost forgot! We don't HAVE to do this ahead of time, but it makes sense to--pick up Amtrak tickets from Penn Station! Update: I think Marvel did this on Friday, he said he did, but I forgot to get the tickets from him.
* Bring down suitcase.
* Bring down Sailor Mars (R season)


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