God, I'm so tired. The past few days at work have been surprisingly busy and stressful--not in an emotionally stressful kind of way, thank God (those are SO much harder to deal with) but more of a "go go go!" kind of way--dealable, doable, but I kind of feel like I'm unable to catch my breath. I think I just hit a wall, though. I have the mail sitting in front of me and I know I have to get it all sorted and opened and stamped and delivered before I leave in 45 minutes, but I just...can't...force my legs...to move. =/ I'm hoping writing a mini entry will help my brain to regain its former shape, it's feeling kind of smooshed right now.
I have such a love-hate relationship with Christmas. On the one hand, the sights, the sounds, the smells, and everything associated with it put me in the best mood ever. On the other hand, producing those sights, and sounds, and smells is an awful lot of work, and even though we're not even a full week into December yet, I have this panicky feeling that I'm not going to get everything done on time.
I think the problem is I'm trying to do three "jobs" at once--there's my regular 9 to 5 one, there's the Christmas stuff which I'm basing off everything my mom used to do when I was younger, forgetting that everything Mom did was basically a full-time job of its own...and one of these days, I'd really like to update my websites again, and certainly at least one of them, never mind all of them put together, could almost be considered at least a full-time job, right? And then trying to keep up a social life, so there are reasons to spend the money from my 9-to-5, friends to send cards and presents and cookies to, and people to look at the websites I've poured my heart and soul into.
Yeah, I know. Whine whine whine. =] I'm going to Jersey this weekend where I will be physically incapable of working on any of the above, so, maybe I'll catch my breath there. We'll see. (Jersey has its own stress, though, that I'll talk about when I get back.)
While I'm complaining (although this is not really a real complaint, I'm actually more amused than anything else), I finally had that "wrong icon" syndrome hit my LJ; I went to post a reply to a comment someone else had left, and ended up screencapping
SO not my icon. I can't even imagine what that's an icon OF.
What was the explanation LJ gave for this phenomenon, I forget? I just find it extra amusing that it seems to have happened after all their other problems that arose because of the big move (like e-mails not going through, and then comments not showing up in your LJ Inbox, etc) seem to have been solved, and certainly after it really started happening to other people I know--I haven't heard anyone complain about it in months. I'm just a late bloomer, I guess.
Today's charity:
Toys for Tots.
"The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted."
There are toy drop offs just about everywhere, but there are other ways to support them as well. You can of course donate online, but for what it's worth many towns also often do some sort of dinner dance to raise money for Toys for Tots. I used to go to one with The Goalie and his parents that was not only for a good cause but was really a ton of fun--can't go wrong with hot food and live music, you know? And, if you're really strapped for cash this season (completely understandable), you can always volunteer your time and energy instead, helping to deliver or sort toys instead, there are details on the website.