Dec 29, 2006 17:32
173-174lbs this afternoon (1pm)
i've eaten 3 sausages... 6c.
diet soda galore, i'm sure i'll finish the 12pack i bought a week ago.
i have steaks unthawing in the sink...probably breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner for tomorrow.
i'm recaulkin my bathtub. or rather, de-caulkin it first. its disgustingly gross black mold through and through. and not easy to take out.
i've almost gotten it all out, then put the new stuff in and wait 2 days to shower. uck. i feel moldy already.
then i get to paint my bedroom Whawhoo..wait a day, paint it again, then wait another day to put stuff up and FIanlly finsih moving into my new room
while i'm waiting for the paint to dry, the cauk to's waxing the living room's wooden floors.
then i'll put things away, sweep, mop, wipe up and finally, it wil be clean and ready for me to be completely bored in on the first.
:( my phone service is uppoof. they lost the payment in the mail. thank god it was a money order.
i have to deal with no phone for the next 2 months or so, less people give me money. (unlikely). my birthday And christmas, and no money. greeeaat.
Shit! forgot to fix myresume..must do that soon. :/
i miss my boyfriend...and i miss the clean life.